You have twins! What AI and IA have to do with each other and what we left as bread crumbs
So easy. AI is saying am I? We come into the world with the world saying you are lost and there are unanswered questions everywhere. No matter where you look, there are unanswered questions. (We are also told, all of us, together, that we are all seeking the answers, in religion, in academics..join the club, we are told.)
So, what if, you start looking somewhere else?
The old adage, “ask a different question”.
What if, you start thinking the lost and found is you.
Consider that religious ideas took over the word ‘found’. (But we made the sounds and symbols, we can decide what found means.)
Now, we can consider that we are the lost and found. It’s free to consider, and you don’t have to change your friends, or get ‘found’ clothes. It’s okay. Do anything, any investigation, at your own pace and try not to react with strong feelings.
Tau is “T”, a symbol showing balance, a balance of feelings and logic, and au is gold, jerry. Au is authentic, you are the author.
Gold is indestructible, and so are_____you.. it’s a soul journey, the soul train, plant your soles on the ground. R is repeat, the perfect P with a leg to move and the P is still to remember where you came from. Know the foundation to know what’s next for yourself.