How to win the game

Lane Gauge
5 min readOct 26, 2022


What to Do with Our Challenge

Actuality is Now — the rest is false and temporary. The Mind makes this so much easier to be tricked by this. It would not be possible with out the endless possibilities, notions and endless destinations of UN-provable things. Nor observable or provable — but simply imagined with the assistance and deployment of the ready to answer — Mind.

The mind can be mined forever — it has no end. It can verify to you, provable things and imagined or observable or imagined. Or observable mixed with imagined — and many more groupings. The Mind will host your independent Mind where you decide what to allow and what not to allow.

The Mind is a separate library to allow into your thinking. You also have a two sided emotional and logical Brain and an All Love and Intelligent Heart. All powered by an atomic sized light ray (God) where your N E W S forever lines intersect — in the center of your Heart. It is a Trinity of possibilities of Logic, Emotion and Mind powered by Source of All/God.

It is an Even Steven Game. Everyone and everything has a Twin. See To Win. Even Even Steven has a Twin, his is a Siamese Twin as many (ALL) twins are and his name here is Willy Nilly. The order of meeting them is the ‘fair shot’ every living Man and Woman has. Choose Even Steven first and never meet Willy Nilly. Or meet Willy Nilly first and get to meet both.

Old French chalonge “calumny, slander; demand, opposition,”

Challenge and calumny are tricky words, until you can clearly see the context(s). When I approach a challenge that is not challenging, I make quick work of it and proceed to find a more challenging challenge.

Our Earth, constructs, physical bodies, our mental thinking and our emotional state — are in a flux challenge at all times. We were born into an antagonistic powered world. The world and creation are antagonistically powered without conflict and with what we would consider — controlled chaos.

We have literally, produced and created ‘challenges’.

In our thinking, speaking, producing and relationships, we accept and allow challenges, continuously. This aids us in making our top challenge more hidden and at once, more challenging. To prove we love a challenge, behold:

early 14c., “something one can be accused of, a fault, blemish;” mid-14c., “false accusation, malicious charge; accusation of wrong-doing,” also “act of laying claim” (to something), from Anglo-French chalenge, Old French chalonge “calumny, slander; demand, opposition,” in legal use, “accusation, claim, dispute,” from Anglo-French chalengier, Old French chalongier “to accuse, to dispute” (see challenge (v.)). Accusatory connotations died out 17c. Meanings “an objection” in law, etc.; “a calling to fight” are from mid-15c. Meaning “difficult task” is from 1954.

The world is shown to us inversely to make our challenge here all the more challenging. We have ‘earned’ this challenge. 13 (approx 28 days each=364 days/13/4) Lunar cycles are constant each year. The 12 Solar cycles are never constant and always erratic, changing and in flux. Luna is our stability, not the Sun. Total is .25 — we are starting as “1” and have halved and halved again. “A dream within a dream”.

21 is the mirror of 12, the “M”/12th letter was born from the “V”, the 21st letter. Simply attach two “lunar module” support legs to the “V” and an “M” or upside down “W” is formed. Turns out, truth is hidden inside the numeri’s and the alpha betas. Our number and letter system is purposely, shown to us in ‘reverse’, as far as the true meaning of Life is concerned. Truth and lies are found in reversing it. IE., 9 ascending to 1 and “Z” ascending to “A”.

Symbolically and metaphorically, the “V” is the symbol of Mother Earth. Boundless Creation formed from a single monadic, infinitesimal point. When she later ‘grew’ her lunar module stilt legs, the “W” and upside down “M” are formed, the 22nd and 12th letters. At once, the “new A” is created, the 1st letter. This new ‘male’ aspect will serves as a compaction counter to ME’s boundless Creation. A settlement of all matters.

Before the Romans inverted the entire alpha beta — Phi was the 21st letter, from Greek times, post Egypt. See charts below. : Phi is the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet — Φ or φ.

When we challenge ourselves that sensical things and non-sensical things are the way of the sensual world. The place where all matters are resolved is the place legacy/resolutions are found and they are “beyond the senses”. In the place of Intuition. (“P” Lace).

lig-ation — obligation

Within this human experience challenge — we are obligated to recognize our mirror self (other people) as we unite to our shadow self (our illusion of self) — we can then unite with our highest self — our higher self is true being manifested from the One. All things are manifested from One thing. Realizing this is known as Nirvana.

9–1 — IA — I am are two words in the universe that represent your Origin. Our challengers invert all things but once realized, the fun of decoding begins. AI is 1–9 and an artifice. The counter to above. The OS of our challengers.

You are a spiritual God-Man being with intellect and a physical body. There are multiple forms of knowing thyself. Ask yourself why am I only noticing the physical reality primarily?

I Am

What is this “I am” stuff you are identifying with? It was written on all the walls in Kemet (Egypt). know thyself and you shall come to understand the universe and its secrets. Repeated by Greeks and Romans. Seek the Christ within has been around for a million years and then some. The Christ story is owned by our challengers. What would you do with it if you need to survive and you were them?

We are experiencing the greatest time to be alive and the ultimate challenge. We are all collectively sleeping/dormant and we are all waking and lovingly nudging each other, ain’t it great!

All consciousness is waking up to the fact that all of life is BEAUTIFUL and trapped. We are born 100% Perfect and Moral with zero Mind — the 5 senses are yet to be realized. We are bound to our bodies and nature. The amazement of that is seldom realized — the great heights and achievements of skill, recovery and cheating death are countless — but we rely on our fragility and impending death instead.

One can escape this limitation, the artifice, the artificial as soon as one desires it and rises from their chair. Lose and empty your mind and come to know your ‘inner’ senses. Each outer sense has a subtle and quiet ‘inner sense’ to match it. A Human Being is also a human doing. Face your situation face to face. Confront yourself and your situation. Inventory yourself. Make lists.

Your biggest fear is facing the SHAME that you are powerful beyond measure. YOU are a god-being in amnesia. Love and Equal Measure are the only truth everything -else is a challenge. Seek the subtleties.

Slow down. Open your ears and listen — intently. The reply will be forthcoming.



Lane Gauge
Lane Gauge

Written by Lane Gauge

We are naked when we speak. Discovery of the evolution of language side by side with the rise and fall of civilizations.

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