What is US?

Lane Gauge
9 min readJan 13, 2023


So it’s to two places now it’s scattered around outside of us
and it’s fully contained within each person. So our separation has led to a
unification in our condensed bodies so even though each of us is individually seasoned and carries a
narrow focus of our independent world view together we have become much
greater than we where before. It and individually both ways.
So even though we’re under a lot of what we consider the rest of our mentality right now we’re actually
undergoing a magnificent transition and two understanding and allowing for
our Greatness to occur.

Creations so now that you’ve heard the good news and what’s about to happen tomorrow
we’ll talk about what happened yesterday and that’s generally the sequence you have your waking day and then you have
your Sunrise which represents waking up in yesterday and then when you go to sleep you have your Sunset which
represents going to sleep in tomorrow so that’s the three-part wave that
everybody goes every day …Unless somehow they can make themselves
go into a coma and stay there for it we’ve had stories of people standing in commas for years….

So we’ve heard we’ve heard everything so we think that we can prove now that the capital letters in the Roman number
system are actually based on a septaguint, and that’s based on the sumarians from
the ancient Babylonian Towers. So it all comes forward the symbology
t rectly from Babylonian times
the times of NK so The Duality seems to be introduced
through the Divine decree of the Babylonians which was then transferred into the septaguint of the Greeks and
then from there it did ultimately transferred into the Roman capital
letter system where all the symbols.. the majority point to the right…
so that did not happen until it romas took over with the symbology system so
the symbology system’s always been here and we can at least date it back to the
fall and the rise of the Sumerians… isn’t that fantastic that is so….
everybody has everything built in….

So the creation stories in the Sumerian Tablets and the Duality stories in the summary kind of woods and actually all
the stories was familiar then get repeated against each civilization so we see that happen in the Biblical times
where they’re repeatings of the stories of Sumer …and then we see it again in the
different ways that Christianity became the dominant religion and the way that it’s presented to the world’s people. …Everybody’s basically doing a sum rise, sumset
… if you don’t want to be making fun of the word there so in Psalm 2 in the Bible there is a
turning everything to double the twins so in Psalms 2 you see that what’s
actually shown Divine decree of the Babylonian text which is purposefully
made dualistic because it’s actually presenting development..

So and even in its decree it’s fun and what it could be considered a tricky way or a cunning way…
so this is why even in the future stories that come out of the Bible we see where God is great and good on one
side and horrible and lazy and mean on the other side…

and that’s all part of the tricky part
of Duality that’s seen in the Bible but also in the Divine to create
which transferred as we said through the subtitles and you see how they kept repeating the
names of the deities that they look up to…. it was all based on everything that can be proceeding them…
Sumerian text seems to be repeating a story but as he’s implying that the
story they’re saying is a repeating Earth cycle of human cycle and
continuation continuation [Music] so we don’t seem to be saying an ending but n ding.

The two choices we got here in modern world is shall we watch the six o’clock
news and get indigestion or should we go ahead and wait for the 11 o’clock and get insomnia…
so in our current world that would be option one and then option two would be
should I sink into depression and despair should I ignore the world and it
news [Music] or put my head in the sand…so I think that question is out of sorts
it’s obviously not a correct two choices…. so the reason the question is out of
sorts is because the Divine decree from Babylon time, it was meant to be tricky certain on purpose
….so that’s why the question is out of
source the original message was actually delivered and created in a dualistic way and that causes twists and turns in the
interpretation of it …..the virtue of the way it was originally written and then enforced
into Humanity. So the virtue of a separate Creator God
who’s angry came from the transitions of the Sumerian decree and it tells the two stories it
guarantees dualities installed..and it was transitioned and remade from modern
times …Psalm 2 tells the story of . God
that’s one side of duality of the source but what is not told is that our Duality
has to be equally measured in order to work….only in our mind..
what we do to it is or have it be seen out of balance or in our mentality in our mentality so that
proves that we have this ability to be maintained perfectly imbalanced at all times mentality we can look at it anyway
we choose and then create by doing that…. and then each of us does the way we’re
doing it now everybody does it uniquely….. so we allow for everybody to be seasoned in there own unique way and then
we’re creating even more now ….every we’re literally exploiting what was
pushed on to us so Duality was pushed into our being Hood forced into our
being good and we ended up inevitably exploiting it so now we’re exploiting it to the ninth degree …..

it’ll never be out of balance because all things would be voided if they were out of balance so everything has to be
imbalanced for all things to be sayable or li ved so it just so happens that uh all sort
of the acronyms they say for all things you know if you say that a lot
is an acronym AT ALL THINGS for all things and happens to be a is number one and two is 19. so
it’s 119. the mirror is a 9–1–1 …that made my nose itch…..so all things are always going to be equally measured in our
amazing human being but so when we get up to the board I’m going to show you a palindrome on all things and it’ll
explain the wonderful balance. …911 to our story here

so back in
Sumerian times we have the word e r i m
so we consider the sumeriogram because of the type of writing style that they use and then we just named it instead of
alphabetical it’s the same idea
so e-r-i-m these letters have been transferred out and traced back from
Roman times then back into this Maritime so we know which letters are represent
so the e-r-i-m is from the epicity of gilgamesh and the character for Army or
essay is used 19 times
[Music] but only once as an era for arms
when that’s in chapter 11 and then as eramesh for many armies for men
or troops uh that’s that was in chapter 11 where it’s used for many many trees chapter……
11. so 11 is interesting because there has the two ones so it shows Duality separated so that’s some interesting
work ……we know Duality is not actually separated unless we want to separated…..
The Duality is a constructive thing and it actually causes life to work because
of the contention so Duality is necessary to life but
through these ways of introducing the Babylonian Divine degree
alphabet system we can now see Duality this way as two separate things

so back in the day they only had four consonants and four vowels in the uh
Babylonian times and that would be the m s b and P and balance being a e i and U
and all of them interchangeable so just by virtue of using this 4x4 system
it’s very easy to set up a tricky language where one thing can mean another one thing can sound like another
so this way nobody ever gets blamed for anything because the language is confusing …..so whoever’s pushing this on
you can’t get in trouble because you can never understand what’s going on because…very confusing okay so it’s
first purposefully set up that way to enforce the reality and confusion ………..so that’s we can thank nenova she’s over
here and Gilgamesh and also NK that would be and okay my own just teasing………….
about that it just so happens that it comes up like that ………so yeah NK NK and key that’s
probably not us but who knows you never know………….. so um the the whole thing is that this
character NK and envelope these twins they’re actually turns out they’re one
person and they’re presenting Duality ……to them so NK is the bringer of what’s known
through uh Sumerian times the idea and the word ME and it so the consonant M
and the value so me so that also has an interesting transition because we use
the word me so much and it has such an interesting …. so many interesting variances ….even as an
acronym it’s Mother Earth and then as a identifier of yourself saying may it has the huge the huge
aspect there …….
the woman the woman’s …Cornerstone letter and man has the end for the poor
similar but they’re all the same symbol as a three m e w they’re all the same
symbol ……so yeah so NK is bringing the idea of me being an independent Universe
apart from the great universe that we all are touching together and living it
together one thing but unique in our mentality but that doesn’t stop that
we’re all touching in part of and peace and connected and immersed in one being…..
but the idea of Meg does bring that…. so through the NK and the imposing of
Duality onto human time the idea of me is mentioned in the Epic of Gilgamesh
many times with a couple of different meanings but the idea of me and being an independent Universe away from the
great Universe independent coming….

so it’s the way that we perceive duality
in our day-to-day life we we see ourselves as independent Kings but at the same time curious if we’re servants….
and we literally play out the servant role in different levels just so that we
can have the experience of being Creator and penetrater gods and curious
to servanthood …..so it’s kind of like a irresistible urge
to explore it in every direction….. in other words if someone hands you Duality and you’re a superior super
Creator then you’re going to go ahead and say no problem you want to lock me in here with creative power with Duality
then I’ll just exploit the crap out of it ……so that’s what we’re doing now whatever the agenda was of the Sumerians I don’t
know because I wasn’t there …..

but uh they are one person so the NK is a
single thing that’s imposing Duality on itself and on to human kind at the same time….
a junior the baby letters the lowercase letters the Junior and the senior the older
wiser uh mature person so they’re literally showing the Junior and senior
of the same entity so the same entity gets the walk, back to back as a junior and a senior at
the same time …so this Junisian concept that that we hear about in Rome it’s coming out of the nknl story
and L and K it’s very interesting because K is the
10th letter which transfers the one and L is the 11th number so NK and NL are
both one one one , three with an M attached
so what you have there with the end attached is two more lines for total five
and slant of contention the sixth
this explains its fixable — 111 M

so that’s how all that works from back then until tomorrow if we wanted to say
it that way so these Psalms are a rewrite of the Epic of Gilgamesh in the starting of
wars and killings and cop and Kinks k a which means copying or killing
okay kind King so this all started the last
documentation we have of it from about 5000 BC and their stories shows that
this is a repeating story in humanity so we do not have a starting date and we do
not have an ending date…. and we do not expect one.. we expect continuation.

  • from our youtube transcript
Photo by Bhumil Chheda on Unsplash



Lane Gauge
Lane Gauge

Written by Lane Gauge

We are naked when we speak. NLPology.com Discovery of the evolution of language side by side with the rise and fall of civilizations.

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