Vedic Metaphysics is evident in Sphinx, Giza, Gobekli Tepe…

Lane Gauge
5 min readNov 4, 2022


Vagus Nerve — kundalini genie
The Vagus Nerve is our Twin Consciousness?
‘everything matters’

(Space) has Properties (Wave-Medium) that give rise to the many things (Matter as the Spherical Wave Motion of Space). Kundalini, as the ‘active aspect of the formless, attribute less, Absolute’ can now be described as the (spherical wave) Motion of One Infinite and Eternal Space / Source of All. As it is through (wave) Motion that Space manifests the many things.

A container, a field and a catalyst

The serpent is always symbolic of consciousness. Shown is the stimulation of both the vagus & pineal projecting consciousness up to the source, or consciousness. Cultural beliefs show DNA by it being birthed from an egg & splitting into Twins. Our ancestors have helped us by leaving that knowledge to us in symbolism to show us how our water body, the Earth and Consciousnesses all interconnect and function on the physical density plane & the non-physical or consciousness/spiritual plane.

These connections when identified reveal a grand connection between Human Hearts, the Earth/Universe and Consciousnesses. The ancient Vedas describe these things in detail and freely available to all.

Today we now know many functions in the body that make us aware — parts of our body that facilitate conscious. These findings are a match to the ancient methods -written down — of connecting minds. It was true what the ancients said and practiced. Our current hierarchies hide this from us to enhance their positions of domination. It was and is a genesis of sorts. A split into two camps of the same body. We have made twins of ourselves — One learned, one yet to learn. A Gen of IS IS.

What do ‘they’ know

Our ‘feudalistic leaders are well aware ‘the serpent’ has always symbolized the physical to consciousness connector in our Vagus nerve, brain function and the Pineal gland. The purpose of presenting the serpent as satanic and scary is to chase you from your birthright. They blatantly show their devotion to the power of the Pineal when they present us their Pine Cone sculptures and adornments. The Fat I Can buildings are designed with serpent ology throughout, while they grin at you and never mention it.

If we were not blind — we would see

In a ‘confidence game’ you first identify the victim and plan your treasure hunt. If ‘pre-conditioning’ is required or a series of ‘pre-conditioning’ is needed, it is accounted for in ‘the con game plan’. As the ‘mark’/victim falls for each pre-condition, the next level or phase of the ‘confidence game’ proceeds.

Ultimately the ‘mark’ is primed and prepared for ‘the takedown’ or ‘the harvest’ from all the hours and energy the con men have invested. If all goes as planned, the con men will be long gone and the victims long dead before anyone notices. We see the above today. Except it is few loyal to Wholly Would and the Fat I Can, the authors of the con — ‘taking down’ an entire civilization of many cultures and billions of persons.

The ultimate ‘confidence game’

We have become so blind to our powers that today our focus is completely misdirected from our true nature.. We literally mimic the techniques of above within our own minds, with ‘con games’ thoughts of self to rationalize our own behavior.

We do this amongst our social and business relationships. We have all become players and victims in ‘the confidence games’.

Past Research and Memories Bubble Up!

Edgar Cayce and many other researchers and visionaries have shared memories and data they have collected of ancient times and sunken continents. These were times of humanity that understood consciousness and shared the knowledge freely and equally across the people. Our modern times have feudalistic dictators who have claimed these powers for themselves alone.

We have tons of data and the time period since, from Ancient Egypt to prove all this but the hierarchies we allow to rule have “spun” these tales as fiction while entrapping our minds with re-direction. The very truth of our bodies they are hiding — they gleefully use under our noses to dominate and ‘squelch’/silence us and our mental tools we were born with.

In ancient times they constructed Megaliths such as pyramid, stone circles, sun-gates in locations where the Earths geomagnetic field fluctuated at certain times that would cause a direct path to the sun. The pyramid of Giza, lacks a capstone for this reason. Modern science is now confirming everything about the pineal that our ancestors knew since the earliest Vedic Sciences. The retinas photoreceptors and sound, light, Frequency all stimulate the pineal gland to alter consciousness.

Vegas Vagus Vedic Stimulations

Since 1997, VNS (vagus nerve stimulation) has been used as a therapy to treat people when allopathic pills fail. Epileptic seizures, neurologic quandaries, panic attacks, and other emotional consciousness and brain affected maladies such as clinical depression, systemic inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine headaches, etc. 10 years later in 2017 we see a study on consciousness where the first time operators have used device to treat someone’s Vagus nerve who was in a vegetative state for 15 years.

Four weeks of VNS saw the patient’s attention, movements, and brain activity significantly improved. After one month of VNS, the patient could follow an object with his eyes and turn his head upon request. His mother reported that her son could also keep his eyes open and had the ability to stay awake when listening to someone reading a book.

Ancients Already Proved It

Ancient Ancestors show us the Root of consciousness was the Vagus nerve. Restoring Consciousness Vagus Nerve Stimulation This was so important that they constructed Megalithic structures such as pyramid, stone circles, sungates in areas where the Earths geomagnetic field would fluctuate at certain times that would cause a direct path to the sun. The pyramid of Giza, lacks a capstone for this reason. We finally have modern science confirming everything about the pineal that our ancestors knew since the earliest Vedic Sciences. The retinas photoreceptors and sound, light, Frequency all stimulate the pineal gland to alter consciousness.

“These findings show that vagus nerve stimulation can yield changes in consciousness even in the most severe clinical cases,” the researchers said in a statement. “Brain plasticity and brain repair are still possible even when hope seems to have vanished,” Sirigu added.

As the authors describe in their paper: “These findings show that stimulation of the vagus nerve promoted the spread of cortical signals and caused an increase of metabolic activity leading to behavioral improvement as measured with the CRS-R scale and as reported by clinicians and family members. Thus, potentiating vagus nerve inputs to the brain helps to restore consciousness even after many years of being in a vegetative state, thus challenging the belief that disorders of consciousness persisting after 12 months are irreversible.”

Vagus means “wandering” in Latin. The vagus nerve is referred to as the “wandering nerve” because it is the longest nerve in the human body and has multiple branches that begin in the brainstem and take a circuitous route to the lowest viscera of the intestines touching (and influencing) just about every major organ along the way.

Your Vagus nerve facilitates a constant psycho-physiological dialogue between your many selves of physical and spiritual natures. The Vagus is commander-in-chief of the ‘inhibitory ‘stop-gap para-sympathetic nervous system which counterbalances “fight-or-flight” stresses in order to maintain balance/homeostasis.

Full article here:

Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash



Lane Gauge
Lane Gauge

Written by Lane Gauge

We are naked when we speak. Discovery of the evolution of language side by side with the rise and fall of civilizations.

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