Here are some famous sayings from our leaders and followers:
“Find a Victory in every defeat to remain hopeful and find a defeat in every victory to remain humble.”
“Excuses are used to justify leaving the scene of truth without changing.”
“One person with commitment accomplishes more than a thousand with an opinion.”- yay
“Success is on the other side of your comfort zone” — yes, truth comes in many
flavors yay
“The problem with incompetence is its inability to to recognize itself.” — So the first thing you must do is recognize that you can do better.
This is what that’s saying it means. It means that if you can acknowledge first that you can
do better and then Find the Will within yourself to say I want to know myself
better. So that would be your intention, then, once you say that.
So, then you can place it in your many personality Center of your brain and
just leave a sign there, not a personality yet, it’s just the sign that
says your decision that in your future you want to know yourself better. So
this becomes an intention in your brain but it does not change your lifestyle it’s not one of your personalities one
of the roles that you play, not at this time.
So we have the ability to transfer location and the power of each
location within our brain, so let’s read that sentence again. “The problem with incompetence is its inability to to recognize itself.”
So, there’s two issues there: one is unwillingness to face struggle or pain, in other words, focusing on — life comes and Rise Peak and fall, so, if you
use your mentality to focus on the Peaks and the Falls then you don’t want to look at struggle and you find it
unnerving and upsetting, but if you value the wave itself of nature, it’s in a
constant movement of Rise Peak and fall. So if you accept that and allow
that into your life, it’s in your body anyway. If you allow that into your mentality, then this idea of
successes on the other side of your comfort zone will not bother you anymore because you understand the
natural wave of your body and everyone’s body and Earth itself and nature itself.
You start to develop a sense of respect toward the wave and you no longer desire
to focus on one part of either rise, struggle, Peak / achievement or fall /
coasting. So these are the three parts of the wave and we use our mentality to
zoom in, so to speak on, one part of that natural wave. And then from there we
get stuck because we’re stuck in our Focus the human secret is
whatever you focus on you become.
So, if you decide to zoom in on the struggle part of the wave where it’s tough, not the achievement part, not the coasting part, but you decide in your
mentality that you want to look at the struggle part and stay focused on that
part, well you are perfectly in your right and ability to do that. But you will become that. So, this, once understood, then it’s your
choice after that; if you decide to focus in on the struggle only, it was your
choice, but you still know the wave. But if you’re going around not understanding that you’re doing that and that there’s
a natural way that you can acknowledge that will change your life and make you peaceful so this is how we can overcome the
comfort zone and the idea that we need a comfort zone.So read that saying right afterwards and
we’ll finish talking about that — one problem with incompetence is it’s inability to recognize itself-
so most of us can recognize that we’re incompetent because we all can see our
neighbors. Although the saying may have some rings of Truth in it, it’s not telling
the whole story. We can see our neighbor and we can
recognize our competence now we can convince ourselves that we’re satisfied to being competent but we did not fail
to recognize our incompetence, so this saying is not telling the whole truth the whole truth is when we decide to
stay at the 50-yard line and not go for the goal. We are acknowledging our incompetence
and our willingness to strive for the goal, so literally we are acknowledging to the
world and to ourselves that we do not want to go for the goal.
It’s not so much that we don’t recognize our incompetence, we very much recognize our incompetence,
we have convinced ourselves that we are satisfied at the 50-yard line.
This great truth, once known, will change anyone’s life because it will relieve them of all of their conflicts.
The only thing they’ll see after that is contention, the natural wave of contention, of the life we’re living on
Earth in these bodies.
We’ll leave a link to this blog so everybody can finish reading it and we’ll go on to the next blog now.
We need to talk because these judgments prevent us
from seeing the good that lies Beyond appearances. We’re usually very quick to pass
judgment but too slow to self-reflect .so why would we be
not able to trigger ourselves to self-reflect after we judge someone on their appearance only
and basically devalue them as a human being. Why would we be, after that act, why
would we be very slow to reflect on ourselves about that action because it was out of order one would
self-reflect first and then know that they need not do judgment and then they wouldn’t have said it so I guess the
reverse happened well I appreciated your choice of words saying that it was out of order because we’ve established in
our study what we believe order is another name for order and what it what is that word
um Love so forever we wanted to know we wanted to know what love was
we wanted to know what the truth was and we thought that Truth and Love Somehow there was an instinct that felt that
they were associated or the same. But there was no validation unless we were
going to find it on our own so after studying the Human Condition through our looking at ourselves and
each other for long enough and of course the world too we realize there is a preciseness
and an order and Only Love could be blamed for it or credited for it.
- from our youtube transcript