Now Pays Better
With all the parsing, ultimately, each Human creates a Mirror around Himself. A Mirror of what He Created. Each Human Creates, via Thought and Action, his own Actuality and Reality. All you see, feel and wonder — You have created.
When is the world ending? On a schedule I am sure. Can we affect our outcomes? Yes, each Human is on a solo competition against himself.
NOW and NWO are twins, so to speak or mirrors. Shadows and Light are also mirrors or opposites. Contrast and antagonism are the ‘format’ of our existence today. The “Everything has a Twin” aspect of our reality, is really hitting Home in todays unpredictable environments. As if we have entered a ‘Face-Off Era’. All opposite are today, facing off. Sometimes it appears ridiculous and other times we see resolution. Opposites or mirror or Twin.
Inter vivos means between lifetimes. It is a legal term that also applies here, metaphorically and philosophically, the two meanings are a mirror to each other or opposite or Twin-ed. Always a Twin in all things and always inter-Twined into a weave or blend. But the Twin aspect is always identifiable. We all know most Twins are inseparable — even when they are opposites.
Humanity finds itself having a Perfect view from the ‘in-between’ world of inter vivos. It is easier to turn East or West and see the Twins. We are experiencing Past and Future from our ‘in-between’ perspective. By simply dis-acknowledging the Actuality of NOW — we can experience the Twin aspect of all things in a more magnified and definitive way. Oui, Amore!
A long exploration of inter vivos mode of operation has led to a face-off! We must now shake it off, the seemingly never-ending eras of learning inter vivos. Our wake-up call from a sneaky Mom is a Twin Call. It is:
NOW is our Actuality. NWO demonstrates our focus on the Past and Future. With the aid of the Mind, we have explored all aspects of the Twins. We are being called, by ourselves, to take our finals. Those who reach for their Actuality — Now, will get it. All will always, get what they got.
Thoughts Become Thoughtforms
All Esoteric powers derive from one power only as issue in the following statement:
“thoughts have power”
We Humans are Crystal Beings
Our Mercury Crystals are rising. Look around. We need to be bare the way Crystals are bare. We need to share our true Nature and all the independent answers we have gathered. This will enable us to care for each other and allow for all resolutions.
Recognize our Crystal Nature, the Mystery behind it all — and allow for it. Share ourselves, bare ourselves, as Crystal Beings, within a magical Crystal Creation.
Love creates the most beautiful outcomes in a world of Crystals that instantly adapt and mold to our Wills. Hate creates the opposite.
Our world, our reality, to have and to hold or to trash. Multiple choice.