What I learned from playing Billiards

Lane Gauge
8 min readApr 20, 2023


Semantics is the study of language. Language is communication via spoken, heard, written, read or signed/seen expressions. We also ‘language’ via our body language, head tilt/direction, facial muscles, eye movement among other ‘tells’ or evidences of a Woman or Man’s position on the subject being given or received.

We also use language to identify everything including ourselves and our position in the world.

The description of semantics is full of semantics. We will attempt to simply and clarify but we will also example the difficulty of using multitudes of terms and context to find agreements.

The noun semantics and the adjective semantic are derived from sēmantikos (“significant”). Semantics measures the significance of language and it’s parts.

There are natural meanings, linguistic meanings, conventional or traditionally accepted meanings, mimetic trendy meanings, intentional meanings, purposely vague meanings, purposely metaphoric meanings, egeregoric meanings, hidden meanings, overlapping meanings, phonetic meanings, numerologic meanings, historical meanings.

Above may seem to be semantics and it is. Semantics is a good thing, the study of language and it’s influence.

The impetus of natural language is productivity, creativity and unboundedness. In a natural language there is no containment to length, complexity, dis-assemby, re-assembly, morphologic, progressive, phonetic or grammatical expressions.

In our hyper-rational technology and information delivery, our minds naturally recede to shorter explanations to allow for a greater overall connection to so many ideas available instantly in our connected world.

Ultimately all language and relationships are about inward motion or Magnetic and expansion or outward motion, Electric.

Female energy is magnetic, Male is electric. They are opposed and attracted, each needs the other but has opposite desires and goals. If we face this issue, the base issue, there will be less need for semantics.

confidence games

In a confidence game the victim is made to feel confident in their position while the con-man prepares to take their wealth. Instilling confidence into the ‘mark’ / victim is a crucial part in the confidence game.

Natural confidence and super natural powers and rights are born into each Woman or Man. The ‘confidence’ most of us are experiencing has been ‘installed’ into us after trial after trial of penalty/traumas and good times/rewards. Toward our personal and communal education and progress, we have all been players and victims of confidence games.

Once we have super confidence in self, compassion for others flows naturally, without effort. Delusion is an invented term like the electron. Delusion is born from dilution. The “S” is ‘organically’ evolved/inserted to illustrate the “S” format of our existence which is in 3 parts, W/C/M.

These connections when identified reveal a grand connection between Wo/man Hearts, the Earth/Universe and Consciousnesses. The ancient Vedas describe these things in detail and freely available to all.

Every belief, religion or god ever invented is caused by our physiologic functions of learning through mimicry
There are hundreds of published studies to prove it. All language was born from the mimicry physiologic and developed functions in the anatomy over the last 20 million years.

“Literally” — all is connected by brains and the ‘air’ and the soles of our feet. Mimesis is a study of mimicry as it appears physiologically in the anatomy and communicates across distances between brains. The NWO uses NLP to alter our behavior across our physiology w/o mentioning it.

Antic spells ‘act in’ and ‘in act’ and actin — cantic mantic frantic quantic romantic semantic sonatic pedantic geomantic anticipate

List words containing ANTIC —
antic anticaking antically anticancer anticapitalism anticapitalisms anticapitalist anticapitalists anticar anticarcinogen anticarcinogenic anticarcinogens anticaries anticatalyst anticatalysts anticathode anticathodes anticellulite anticensorship anticholesterol anticholinergic anticholinergics anticholinesterase anticholinesterases antichurch anticigarette anticipant anticipants anticipatable anticipate anticipated anticipates anticipating anticipation anticipations anticipator anticipators anticipatory anticity antick anticked anticking anticks anticlassical anticlerical anticlericalism anticlericalisms anticlericalist anticlericalists anticlericals anticlimactic anticlimactical anticlimactically anticlimax anticlimaxes anticlinal anticline anticlines anticling anticlockwise anticlotting anticly anticoagulant anticoagulants anticodon anticodons anticold anticollision anticolonial anticolonialism anticolonialisms anticolonialist anticolonialists anticolonials anticommercial anticommercialism anticommercialisms anticommunism anticommunisms anticommunist anticommunists anticompetitive anticonglomerate anticonservation anticonservationist anticonservationists anticonservations anticonsumer anticonsumers anticonventional anticonvulsant anticonvulsants anticonvulsive anticonvulsives anticorporate anticorrosion anticorrosive anticorrosives anticorruption anticorruptions anticounterfeiting anticrack anticreative anticrime anticruelty antics anticult anticultural anticyclone anticyclones anticyclonic antiromantic antiromanticism antiromanticisms antiromantics cantic canticle canticles chanticleer chanticleers corybantic frantic frantically franticness franticnesses geanticline geanticlines geomantic gigantic gigantically hierophantic hyperromantic infanticidal infanticide infanticides mantic manticore manticores necromantic necromantically obscurantic pedantic pedantically postromantic preromantic quantic quantics romantic romantically romanticise romanticised romanticises romanticising romanticism romanticisms romanticist romanticists romanticization romanticizations romanticize romanticized romanticizes romanticizing romantics semantic semantical semantically semanticist semanticists semantics sonantic superromantic superromanticism superromanticisms sycophantic sycophantically transatlantic ultraromantic unanticipated unanticipatedly unpedantic unromantic unromantically unromanticized

the Hues

the hues, the humans, the hughs

When we fight the outer enemy in place of the inner “N” in Me, we miss or avoid the law common to i, the law of Woman and Man which is inner work.

Our search for every shade and color makes us the Hue/Man and Woman that we are. Along the way we each become unique or “uni/que, one in the Que”. Each of us have our own unique seasoning, aggregate evolvement, color and shade. Each of us is “adding more to Creation”.

Our search can at times appear to be an endless loop of unnecessary cycling through the same shadows, but each time we ‘cycle’, we re-season, re-color and re-hue. Inner work keeps the hue but focuses on the black and white of common law to a Woman and Man, their natural powers and responsibilities.

At 7:50 P.M. on 5/18/70 №73. Bawa

An exposition on the brain:

Child! The brain has four hundred lakhs (one lakh is 100,000) of crores (one crore is 10 million) of petals similar to the petals of the lotus flower. Each petal has ten and a half crores of births. In each birth one can see four hundred lakhs of crores of shapes and colors.

These colors and shapes are seen in mental visions and in physical visions. In addition, in dreams and in wakeful states, at night and in day time, during sleep and when one is wide awake, in states of hypnotic torpor and fatigue, and in states of degradation of the intellect, projections of the mind appear.
Through these projections the darkness of hypnotic fascination of Illusion (Maya) appears. In this darkness one sees scenes enacted.

These scenes will show the sun, the moon, the stars, the planets, the clouds, fire, water, air, the earth, the sky, the sea, the rising land, ships, emeralds, gold, gems and other scenes of darkness of the demons living in the four hundred lakhs of crores of types of worlds.

Human intelligence submits all these scenes which appear in the panorama of the human mind in its dream state, i.e., the good and bad actions, joys and sorrows, success and failure, the armed forces, the wars, and other actions caused by the ten and a half crores of powers in each petal of the brain.

Human intellect, which is in a state of spiritual degradation, analyses these scenes, and prepares an assessment of one’s worldly life. It assesses what it saw in the dream as victory, as joy, and what it saw as defeat, as sorrow.

This analysis reacts on his senses and on his physical body and causes a shock. The nerves and bones lose their stamina. Because of the state of fear induced by the shock, all the diseases which were latent in the body come out in the open and chase away his Divine Wisdom (Pahuth-Arivu), hide his Divine Luminous Wisdom (Perr-Arivu), make him lose the Divine Effulgence within him, churn the physical body and make it a wreck, and torture his soul.

As a result, he gets fatigued, loses his senses and dies. The powers in the petals of his brain work only to satisfy the desires of the senses and the elements.

As a result, his aims and desires lead to ninety-six types of obsessions, eighty-four types of diseases caused by the wind, 4,448 types of tissue disorders, four hundred lakhs of crores of mental diseases caused by the hypnotic fascinations of Illusion (Maya), diseases of Action (Karma) caused by the ten and a half crores of births, and the end of three and a half crores of births.

They also lead to the understanding of the sixty-four Arts and Crafts (Kalas), the satanic state of the thirty-two attributes of the human body. They also lead to a spiritual sleep caused by inertia induced by ninety-five out of the ninety-six powers of the human mind.

They also lead to the commission of the six sins: craving (Kama), hatred (Krotha), miserliness (Loba), lust (Moham), vanity (Matham) and envy (Macharyam). These are caused by the state of Spiritual Ignorance induced by Egoism (Anawam).

They also lead to the darkness of Hell caused by Egoism (Anawam), Action (Karma) and Illusion (Maya).

They also lead to the moods or the ‘three strong evil qualities’ (Rachitham, Thamaltram and Sathvicam) which torture the faculty of Wisdom (Arivu), and the five dreadful sins of intoxication, lust. theft, murder and falsehood, which are enemies of Spiritual Progress.

The diseases caused by all these states impinge and influence the mind, which in turn influences the senses.

Again, the senses influence the mind. The mind influences Illusion (Maya), Illusion (Maya) causes spiritual inertia and hypnotic torpor which influences the alluring projections of Illusion (Maya).

These influence human existence, which result in Actions (Karma). These actions influence the subconscious mind. The impressions in the subconscious mind influence the petals of the brain which elucidates the meaning.

This in turn influences the power which makes use of the intentions of the mind. This results in the destruction of the glorious heritage of human existence.

As a result, man loses his Spiritual Wisdom and slips down the path of degradation and destruction.

But, if this Spiritual Wisdom of man shines in Resplendence, removes the darkness of Illusion (Maya), chases the mind away, controls the influences of the five elements in the physical body, burns the five senses, repulses the attractions of the earth, opens the Gnostic Eye and cuts off the influences of the physical eyes, enables man to know his Self and know beforehand what is in store, sees what is in front and merges in That One which has neither end nor destruction.

It will be the summum bonum of Human Existence and the Glory of The Ultimate Unique One (Paraparam). That Glory is Fullness. That Fullness is God. God is Man-God (Manu Eesan). That ‘Manu Eesan’ is God. You should understand this well. You should know the nature of the Petals of the Lotus of the Human Brain.
So said the True Gnostic Guru to his disciples.

Thanks and praise to god and bawa

Originally published at https://ae42.blog on April 20, 2023.



Lane Gauge
Lane Gauge

Written by Lane Gauge

We are naked when we speak. NLPology.com Discovery of the evolution of language side by side with the rise and fall of civilizations.

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