My Story for Anyone

Lane Gauge
4 min readNov 19, 2022


I am going to start with what we have.

The reason the Pineal is presented as mysterious, misunderstood and having little impact in one’s life is the same reason our foods and media programming actively retard growth. Our lifestyles and self ingested poison literally harden the Pineal to the point it becomes much less effective and for the most afflicted, it becomes ‘ineffective’ .

Both of our ‘center points’ of the Brain and Heart are secretly attacked by corporate media and their associates. Done through language, gov/edu/media messaging and directly with poisons presented as safe in the air, water, food and ‘beliefs’. Our center points are presented as mysterious and insignificant — vestiges.

How to Hide this truth

When we agree on this via media influence, peer review and then peer approval, it leads to ‘peer pressure’ or as it should be called — Threats of Exile from your Group.

Deviations from ‘accepted truth’ is seen as a threat to each group member’s ‘comfort zone’. The comfort zone is a real thing as it implies a subtle way of making rigid our ‘way of life and comfort’. We look to each other for the confidence to enthusiastically protect our positions, beliefs and especially but not verbalized so often — OUR comfort zone of comfortabil-ity.

Secret Garden of Heart & Brain vs Vestige

Many ‘techniques’ made rigid over time to form solid truths ‘explain away’ mysterious parts and functions of our anatomy as vestiges or left over parts from our primate evolution. This aids the corporate archetypes to keep your focus maintained on materialism and dramas. Mainly done with Neuro Linguistic Programming and well established hierarchies dedicated to mis-directions and ‘pressures’ on the populace. In an effort to yield the ‘best of the best’. Our enemies are in fact the “N” in Me. A self owned demon set for each person on Earth.

The pineal gland also is known as the pineal body, epiphysis of or epiphysis cerebri, endocrine gland in the brain is the size of a grain of rice. Mystics consider this gland ‘ the third eye,’ and I think it makes the connection between the physical and the spiritual world. Still, until recently, the medical community considers a vestige (an organ become nonfunctional along with evolution). Currently, the medical world knows that the pineal gland is an essential source of melatonin.

The discovery of melatonin in 1958, melatonin has been extensively studied and proved that it offers extensive benefits to the body. The pineal gland releases melatonin with a precise circadian rhythm (daily). Trigger factor of production and release of melatonin from the pineal gland is the darkness. The more night, the more melatonin is released.

Street lights, lamps, and candle-light vigil ambient cell-and TV generated, computer, and other electronic devices can disrupt the production of melatonin. If you think that is enough to cover your eyes, you are mistaken. It seems like the light that reaches every part of the body can inhibit the production of this hormone. Although the physiological function of the pineal gland remained unknown until recently and taking into consideration that this gland appears to be able to see, the concept of “the third eye” proves once again the wisdom of an old belief for thousands of years.

A Recent Online Convo

E said:
How do you entertain yourself? — How many hours a day do you spend on your phone? — And do you read books? — Please don’t ignore

Apple Eye:
Zero hours on phone, only minutes — it is far too harmful to make such a commitment to a device meant to mold you into a servant of corporate archetypes. A definite ‘no-no’. I read and WRITE everyday to reveal the Secret Garden of my Heart and to build my brain muscles and contemplative and deduction skills. Entertainment is a tricky way of revealing the word entrainment.

It is a way of openly revealing to us what entertainment actually is and by embracing it we give full approval to be fed more and more of it. It is a mental trap that also exploits our survival aspects and the sensual natures.

anneal — (v.) O.E. onælan to set on fire, kindle, from on on + ælan to burn, bake, from P.Gmc. *ailan, probably [Watkins] from PIE *ai to burn (see ASH (Cf. ash) (1)); related to O.E. æled fire, firebrand, O.N …

Photo by Tobias Rademacher on Unsplash



Lane Gauge
Lane Gauge

Written by Lane Gauge

We are naked when we speak. Discovery of the evolution of language side by side with the rise and fall of civilizations.

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