Man of God must also be Man of World
I was revealed without warning to my immortality and the asleep world I had ‘landed’ in at age seven in 1967. Many revelations occurred for the next four years as I entertained the first one.
Four years later, in 1971, my new age/hippie/anti-establishment writer Dad had convinced an authentic Sufi Sheik and wise old sage from the jungles of Ceylon/Sri Lanka — to visit Philadelphia, the birthplace of America. I met this sage at age 11. It only took one year to convince me of the Secret Garden of the Heart — the location of Immortality all people carry. I believed he proved it but how would I personally realize this place/state of highest enlightenment?
The fellowship grew and became known worldwide and to leaders of countries who inquired his advice. Hundreds of thousands believed he proved immortality was real and could be realized with , thought, behavior and intentions. Everyone agreed to intend to do this.
The old sage would not give his age or biography or even a name. He was urged out of the jungle in 1928 where he lived alone with the tigers, lions, elephants and many other wild creatures. Somehow, he and the creatures admired each other and got along splendidly. He was provided an ashram in Jaffa territory where he became widely known across Ceylon and parts of India as one of the greatest providers of the wisdom a man may attain. He was named ‘Bawa’ by his students and it means teacher.
Bawa proved immortality by demonstrating to all of us there is an infinitesimal center point in our Hearts. He called it “The Secret Garden of the Heart”. Countless books, writings, lectures, discussions, videos, `testimony from others proved to all, this immortality center inside each Heart is real and can be believed in and has been attested to countless times by Bawa, his students and wisdom warriors throughout the Ages and Aeons.
Starting from 1978 at the age of 18 to 2022 at age 62. — It took 55 years for me to prove and to demonstrate that the world has proven immortality. Furthermore, we all casually demonstrate our immortality to each other moment by moment as will be discussed in this explanation. Myself and my partners Nina and Bawa have finally proven it — Immortality is Real and to be Realized while your mortal body is alive. All have the option to intend to enter “The Secret Garden of the Heart” with full confidence and wisdom.
Man of God must also be Man of World
I was 16 when Bawa instructed me to learn and become a “Man of the World” before I may become a “Man of God”. This was to complete my study of and to validate my intentions and education of all things regarding Duality.
I needed proof from the world that it recognized immortality and had a purpose for concealing it. I would learn it from living as a man of the world. You can say I have always taken my time with this great teacher very seriously and carry my time with him always.
As it were, all my mates were so involved with the world and I wanted to be with them and hopefully share my conclusions with them someday. The world also offered a million ways to imply/suggest/explain immortality. These suggestions were also considered during this lifelong study of immortality.
It took 55 years of intense study and contemplation but the world absolutely has proven immortality.
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