Love the teachings of Issa, Ieosus Issa Jungar
Hi! We are not christians and hold zero religious affiliations. We admire and love the teachings of Issa, Ieosus Issa Jungar and the many names given to Jesus Christ. We know Christ is not a name of a person but of a force of intelligence and power that is true to all things and ‘all things are manifested from it’.
In our modernized and hyper rational world of countless offers, all truth must always be told. Our environment does not allow for lies as it is built on Equal Measure. All the truths and lies we know have been fabricated. There is only one truth and all other ideas of truth are a mix of truths and fabrications, or generated. The ultimate arbitrator of the truth and the facts is the owner of the individual anatomy, you.
Why do westerners fight the truth easterners know of the lost years of christ? Because with that knowledge they would know christ on a deeply personal level and overturn their agenda, that is why.
Lost years of christ
A few accounts of research on the lost years of Issa, Ieosus, Jesus Christ.
The Bible is not a complete book: many manipulations, censorship, interested party edits from religious clergy. We are left without knowing what happened during the so-called “lost years of Jesus”. How is it possible that having been the most important figure of our civilization, in a time of scribes and notaries, we do not know what happened between the ages of 13 and 30?
Where was the Rabbi of Galilee during the years he passed through Egypt, India, Kashmir, Tibet, Nepal, Europe… until his return to Galilee at the age of 30. Who has the scribing to retell those times? Or the 11 years of travel after the resurrection?
Where is the writings of ieosus from 13 to 30 while he traveled (b4 returning to Galilee) — Egypt, India, Kashmir, Tibet, Nepal, Europe and other locations. Where was he teaching for 11 years after the resurrection?
jesus is a real person and one of many who comes and goes to earth and people, written about under different pseudonyms for centuries. At the same time, jesus is a metaphor for the power in the sky, the Sun and the power in your chest, your beating Heart.
the “lost years” of jesus are debated continuously throughout the eras — there are mountains for you to climb on this. You will be crossing the intersections of travelling singing minstrels, babjis, disappearing and reappearing mystics, ieosus, ios, jesus, qrst, christ, christ within, angels, angles, essenes, st thomas, journeys throughout asia, egypt, india, hemis, lhsas, thibet, tartary, brittania and so on.
Issa Ieosus after Resurrection
Manuscripts in Lhsas Tibet prove that the c1894 Crimean, Notovtich’s work have been confirmed.
The resurrected ieosus taught for 11 (or more by some accounts) years and disappeared and returned again, from the divine heavenly realm. He testified to his disciples about his visit to the heavenly realm. The “books of the saviour” focuses largely on cosmology and the shapes of the universe. The text explains the sacredness of the text.
All of our sounds, symbols, numbers and shapes are divinely inspired and created by us divided beings of form and formless, ie, divine beings. Learning how to transit through the subtle regions of the shapes, symbols and sounds are ‘ki’ to matching your cognition to your soul.
Our body is a vehicle
The body is a ‘vehicle’ for the soul, your car, your wheels, your engine to play mortal. The soul or essence of Creator force energy and your body / anatomy are immersed in each other. There is no escaping the super natural aspects of your existence.
Swami Abhedananda confirmed ieosus in tibet in 1922. The “Issa Scripture in Kasmir and Tibet” are the swami’s published translations of his witness of the manuscripts from the owners of them in Tibet.
Before that “The adventures of a lady in Tartary, Thibet, China, & Kashmir.”
Vested interests of clergy, church state partnerships and the motives of men caused the bibles to be reduced, modified, retranslated, re-written and ‘adapted’ to the times and wills of the elite powers who paid the scribes and historians to document according to their directives.
Nicholas Roerich published in 1925 “Heart of Asia” and “Altai-Himalaya”, which confirmed and added detail.
1939 Madame Caspari pilgrimaged with Mrs Clarence Gasque where the monks ceremoniously testified to them.
1951 US SC justice William O. Douglas, “Beyond the Himalayas”
1975 Dr. Robert Ravicz traveled and witnessed testimony. Buddhists and Hindus have both confirmed the authenticity in detail of Issa from age 14 to 28.
‘The Smoky God’, a voyage to the inner world, Willis George Emerson (US), the testimony of Olaf jensen
Helena Blavatsky founder thoesophical society confirms ieosus was trained by the essenes. Annie Besant confirmed ieosus went to an essene monastery school in egypt.
Rudolph Steiner, Austrian philo. describes ieosus as “an initaiate of the essene order”
Max Heindel US writer confirms the above,
French writer Edouard Schure, writer, musicologist “only the essenes could have initiated ieosus”
Edgar Cayce, US psychic, from 1924 to 1945 visioned an essence monastery on Mt Carmel (Haifa) led by Master Judy who supervised his ministry and travels. Jews, Gentiles, Women and Men were considered equals.
Mary and Joseph were trained by the essenes and had in fact known ahead of the arrival of ieosus. The reason he traveled was designed by the essenes who anticipated his arrival and wanted him to be fully ‘versed’ and trained in humility. His last training was in Egypt before appearing in Israel and being baptised by John the Baptist.
Manuel Jose Delgado Egyptologist shows ieosus, mary and joseph staying in Egypt for 4 to 7 years. And that ieosus was educated there and initiated in the great pyramid of Giza.
Cayce states the great pyramid is built as an “initiation site”.
Documents lost in Japan during WWII describe Issa learning Buddhism in Japan as a child. A place in Kasmir called Yusmarg means “Jesus’s Field” as it remembers his passage there toward Kashmir and the Tibetan monks locations. The people who live there are Jews. In most Islamic text, Issa, Ieosus/Jesus is referred to as Yuzu Asaf.
Historian of Kasmir, Mulla Nadiri, “Tarik-uKashmir” shoes Issa declared his prophethood in the Kasmir Valley. Issa is known to have mastered the Mayan language while in India. Written about extensively by Ignacio Magaloni Duarte, “Educadores del Mundo”, advances that the Mayans colonized India and Egypt. Confirmed in “The Ramayana of Valmiki”, supported with mountains of reference and documentation. “It is proven Issa used science/religion learned from Mayan culture”. Also stating that in Tibet at that time Issa spoke the original Mayan language.
Augustus Le Plongeon, french archaeologist and fellow researchers claim Issa spoke this language while suffering on the cross. Edward F Noack and wife Helen travelled to all sacred sites and wrote “Amidst Ice and Nomads in High Asia” back in 1958 to the 1970as. Shaikh Al-Said, islamic historian from 950 ad wrote on the travels of Issa across India.
In the 1950s Sri Daya Mata confirmed with an interview with Sri Bharata Krishna Tirtha who also confirmed. Prof. Fida Hassenain confirms a meeting of Issa with the Rajah of Kasmir near Puri. Here Ieosus said: “Heli Lamah Zabhac Tani” a Mayan phrase translating to: “I am immersed and hiding in the pre-dawn of your presence”.
“I am known as the Sun of God, born of a virgin. I am a disciple and teacher of the one truth. Sinners must suffer from my fate and I too suffer from their hands. I teach humanity to serve their purpose, their essence. This essence exists at the center of the Sun and the elements. God and the Sun link them forever.”
Javier Sierra Spanish researcher “The Immortal Pyramid”, states the secret of resurrection was learned at an initiation in the pyramid of Khufu, also done with Napoleon, J Caesar and Alexander the Great.
nag hammadi manuscripts were discovered by Mohamed Ali Al-Samman in 1945, 1958 Morton Smith, history professor, discovers the “secret gospel” fragment in the desert of Mar Saba, which suggests a much larger body of works written on the teachings of ieosus. (Now, mysteriously missing — the vatican basement?)
The 348 page manuscript named “askew codex” aka the pistis sophia (faith wisdom) or the “books of the saviour” explain the teachings of the resurrected ieosus.
The resurrected ieosus taught for 11 years and disappeared and returned again, from the divine heavenly realm. The “books of the saviour” focus largely on cosmology and the shapes of the universe. The text explains the sacredness of the text.
All of our sounds, symbols, numbers and shapes are divinely inspired and created. Learning how to transit through the subtle regions of the shapes, symbols and sounds are ‘ki’ to matching your cognition to your soul.
Ieosus passed many years studying with the Essenes. He learned discipline, secrets of nature, occult powers and self mastery of thought and body. Every day, Ieosus considered self-questioning and the destinations of humanity.
Both Ieosus and John the Baptist received mystical training at the Great Pyramid of Giza. Writer Javier Sierra confirms Ieosus received the secret of ‘resurrection’ in Egypt. Elizabeth Clare Prophet “The Lost Years of Jesus”, she confirms all the previous research with added detail.
While travelling Asia, Ieosus learned of and visited the hollow earth and the sub surface race of the land called Agharti. A race of fully developed unique beings who share a peaceful group consciousness. An aggregation of uniqueness and unity. Ieosus stated that “Woman” is the Mother of the World”.
It has been quoted from journeys to Tibet and Asia that Ieosus said “The world is a bridge to cross. Do not build a house on it” and “He who delays for an hour, delays for an eternity. The world is only ‘an hour’, spend it in devotion, the rest is without worth”
He said, “I came here to create possibility. What I have made, all men can create, And what I am, all men shall be. These gifts belong to all nations and all men”.
Cosmology of Shapes
The structure of the universe in it’s most subtle form is formless. What we can see are shapes and waves or fields of energy evident from measuring outcomes and progression. The “book of the savior”, written in Coptic, explains how to transit your essence using understandings of these symbols, shapes and fields of energy.
The “book of the savior”, describes the mortality and transit of the soul of ieosus from birth to his final triumph, 11 years after his death and resurrection.
The Essenes took a vow of poverty and refused material possessions, did not demand anything nor judge anyone. Flavius Josephus testifys about exemplary morality as their baseline. ieosus was educated by the essenes.
Here with the essenes, ieosus learned through ruminating and intent to “give caesar what is caesars, give to god, what is god’s”
ieosus believed the essence Creator was Love, Order and Reason/Purpose.
It is said ieosus/issa/jesus spent time in Puri and the Himalayas in association with the other sages there. “Jesus learned the principles of ‘Christianity’ while in India and Tibet.” — Mark Mason
Issa, Ieosus in Europe, Brittania, Tor, Avalon & with Druidic Celtics
He traveled to the British Isles between 5 to 8 years old to the southern areas of what is today called Devon and Cornwall. There Issa learned the wisdom of the Druids. He had stopped in Venice and Rome to marvel at the customs and gods of their culture. In the Isles he learned Druidic secrets including the usage of plants and herbs.
He came to know more of our inter-terrestrial world and how the Sun induces energy into the different personalities and properties of plants. He discovered that nature is manifesting it’s formlessness into form. He also learned of geo magnetic and electric forces and their implications, purpose and meanings to Men and Women.
He learned of the veneration of locations on Earth such as hilltops and the rhythms and patterns of lakes, water, the sky and seas. And the purifying aspects of fire. There were up to 40 Druid Universities in Glastonbury at this time. He used the experience to learn how to blend different cultures across the landscape.
In the Isles he visited many sacred sites and 3,000 year old megalith structures in search of wisdom. At stonehenge, druid priests performed rituals and showed him the connections of the cosmos and mother earth.
Later the stories and teachings of Ieosus were expanded by King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Stated by William of Malmesbury and Thor Jurodovich Kostich “El Peregrino” (the Pilgrim), the time in England led to the “Holy Alliance” led by the “White Brotherhood” to help spread the wisdom across regions and countries. A merging of Ieosus teachings with those of Ancient Europe.
After the Crucifixion, chosen to lead the “Holy Alliance” evangelism were Joseph of Arimathea, Vercia the Druidess, Nicodemus the physician, Nicholas of Damascus, syrian philosopher, Gamaliel leader of Sanhedrin along with a group of wise Gauls, Celts and Druids made there numbers over 300.
The purpose of the alliance is recorded in many ancient texts. “To unify the races of Earth and tune their resonance toward love and evolution of love”. Confirmed by William of Malmesbury. These events help us realize the magnificence of the powerful magnetism circulating all parts of the Earth, above and below. This allows ‘communication’ with beings from the cosmos and the subterranean inner Earth.
living jesus?
The ‘living jesus’ still stands as foundational and at once retaining and reflecting energy, in sacred sites, the magnetism of Earth and powering the Sun in the sky and all beating Hearts. We have the “Comrade in White” testimony.
Assisi visioned Jesus saying “Go and repair my house, as it is falling into ruin” Assisi vowed poverty after this. “The book that kills death” Mario Rosa de Luna. The mystic “Comrade in White” appeared in Nancy, Argona and Ypres simultaneously. Philip H Wiebe documents these accounts.
Jesus proved death is a crossing, not finality, not dust. He proved your body is a vehicle for your soul or essence and you are uniquely immortal. While we all continue on during this silent World War against righteousness and natural Law, we must attend to our soul and our behavior. The motives of the monsters are twofold. To capture and harvest our souls AND to force a realization of our souls.
The real living Jesus, the light beings of our intra terrainial world and the ‘power’ of Jesus in the Sun and our Hearts will guide us if we choose guidance. Faith and fighting rage will cause a win. The catholic religion and infrastructure is only interested in blocking these truths since their worldwide NWO of 1345AD. All led by the HR Empire up to today. All the teachings of jesus and mysticism are purposely distorted for selfish gain but does fulfill God’s plan.
Many NDE experienced Men and Women will testify to this. All saying the love and light of christ restored them to life. He is the archetype for goodness, morality, truth, fighting, strength and pure love and order.
Why do westerners fight the truth easterners know of the lost years of christ? Because with that knowledge they would know christ on a deeply personal level and overturn their agenda, that is why.
Higgs found God?
Leon Lederman referred to the Higgs boson wave as the “Goddamn Particle” in frustration of how troubling it was to detect. When looking for parity or symmetry, inserting mass ‘arbitrarily’ — by creative naming’ — onto particles also caused certain predictions to trend towards infinity. (the essence Creator).
Who is Protesting?
Heart felt scientists, physicians, politicians and writers are speaking out to the public about the evil agenda and darkness promoted by the elite powers.
The-powers-that-be will rob us of the most precious asset a Woman or Man possess, their sovereignty and immersion within the essence Creator.
The process of altering our genetics,and imposing artificial intelligence and robotic transhumanism upon us, transforms our body into an empty shell, soulless, compassionless, emotionless and ‘on call’ for directives from caretakers.
The representatives of major religions in large part, are actively participating, taking a stance in favor of MRNA DNA gene manipulations, thereby transforms our original DNA, as many soul filled scientists today are denouncing.
Our souls, the ‘God particle’, our DNA and genetics — which connect us to a superior power — are all assets that elite powers intend to hijack and possess.
Medicine shortages, upsurges in criminality
Medicine shortages, upsurges in criminality, theft, raids, political, judicial corruption and to the mix we may add cbdc, dig money, digital currency — and its QR code — created as a means of controlling the population and, ultimately, forcing us into a social credit system, whereby we will be stripped of our freedoms and reduced to complete slavery.
The new system includes on time live tracking of every living individual via connections between their brain, bloodstream and the wifi presence in the air. Creating a ‘false loyalty’ to the directors of the plan. The blood has been being infected and prepared for many decades.
qrst is the answer
“QRST” is the code in the alphabet for “christ within”, by holding us at “QR” codes, we are prevented from progressing thru the S and T to complete the connection of “christ within”.
PR, pattern resolution is the ‘magnet’ that called out to me as the thing to decode. In an electric world, not so easy. It is now resolved, all of us, incl science have come to the Wall or “W” All.
What is the anatomy
My interstitium is a plasma field in my body and is my largest ‘organ’ It is filled with interstital plasma and fluids mostly containing germs, viruses and bacteria. All designed to maintain me and make me viable and a triumph’
Scientists have only a tiny fractional amount of knowledge in this area and certainly cannot establish any of the theories put forth. It is obviously a staged cover up for some other event taking place, so easy to see.
Atheist says you make zero sense on god particle
np, we are all entitled to do our own work, research, testing our conclusions, ruminating, asking our Heart and looking into the face of others. Each of us is on a unique path due to our unique consciousness and development thereof. However, I offer the possibility that we can also share a group consciousness that is righteous, fulfilling, creative and full of glory.
the ‘metaphysical code’ is realized once accepts and allows for the possibility that they are supernatural and ‘connected’ immersed in this ‘field’ of the supernatural, that is what metaphysical and metaphors are for.
the world of words and meanings is made by us supernatural beings and as such contains many levels and degrees which pave the way for our uniqueness AND the possibility of a shared and righteous group consciousness.
Originally published at on April 23, 2023.