is the Creator Control (freq)
April 3, 2023
Parity & I Magi Nation = Woman & Man
… imaginations make the sounds and symbols including the assembly of language, meanings, context and usage (and exploitation). Look at the sounds, symbols and arrangements, morphology and historical context. English words are combinations of previously used words, both in arrangement of the letters and the sounds
There are evidences of anthropomorphism, personifications and deities going back 40,000 years and more. Humans naturally look for easy ways out, naturally lazy. Nothing is real outside the sounds and symbols and associations in literal and speech terms. We strive thru the strife to X Plane our environment, pushing our “make believe” skills to the absolute limit.
All quandaries are simplified when we do word deconstructions. Every part of the human body is explicitly, meticulously and immaculately designed as perfect. There are zero flaws in the human anatomy. Outside of the attacks we allow and do to ourselves and the ones we “make up” w our I Magi Nations.
is the Creator Control (freq)
“IT” — I “T”est -
It, (“the Creator isn’t a control freak”),
except for the 200 trillion cells and bacteria, germs, viruses, plasma field, organs, neural brain nervous system, heart beating continuous 110,000 pulses a day, all the great synchronicities and balance in your life, all the lessons of equal measure you have seen….No, “the Creator” is definitely not a control freak.
Man nothing compared to god
MTz — Today at 12:30 PM
I agree, but I cut the video before he finishes his point. He says “you are a nothing, all of us including me, we are a nothing compared to God”Apple Eye — Today at 2:10 PM
Mathematically, number two has parity or is tied to nothing or zero. god the creator is number one and it’s parity is All. Each Woman Man contains the entire Creation, before , now and after, including the nothingness known by the creator and ourselves when we ‘die’ each night during sleep ( the “S” Leap.)Each 24 hours for a Woman or Man is an Epic.
Woman Man Law
Woman and Man are the highest form and expression of Creation in our Creation world. No law is above them.
“X” Plane Nation of Hierarchies & Lazy
(“42 science” reveals all)Our ‘legal’ system was invented along the way to coddle the ‘minds of children’ as we parse every particular of Creation with our Creative partner, the essence of Creation, existing as an uncatchable particle inside each Woman or Man.
As members of society, we can choose to be tokens in the monopoly game of hierarchies, made for god’s children. Or we can make claim to being a Woman or Man and assume our almighty powers and responsibility. Laziness automatically leads to Humility and Appreciation. A track of inevitability towards invincibility.
We are biologically designed to learn via mimicry and aggregation of it. Laziness developed, others witnessed it and copied it. (lazy — ‘EL’ a-z “Y”). Everything in our Creation has Parity (equilibrium) and a positive (righteous) outcome. Laziness is a development of millions of years of ‘attempts’, it is a natural development to parse “all things”
Parity — Equilibrium
Parity is a gift from the Creator to facilitate all needs for this mission, with fairness, love and equilibrium, at ALL TIMES. One Source OS of Equal Measure EM — always fair, always perfect. All parts of our “Ah Ha” contract we ‘sign’ at first breath, ask.
Parity spells Pair TY. “T” and “Y” are huge and blatantly obvious ‘clues’ to the cue to get out of the que “Q”. “T” is the woman’s desire for settlement. “Y” is the man’s desire for reaching the never been seen before.
Parity to Two — Zero
Parity to One — Everything
All Things are born from the 1st split2 is always reaching and is the loneliest number
1 = Woman, wants settlement and Parity
2=Man, wants the unexpected and disparityMathematically, parity for 2 is 0, the parity for 1 is everything.
OT=Old Test. = Over Time = OT
NT=Nu Test. = “N” Times = NT…the “NZ” has a story, 13th from A or Z, A and Z have traded number one spot over eras.
Online “S”-Quandaring
EL-fish — Today at 10:30 AM
This concept of humility I see largely as a means of controlling people. A humbled person makes a good slave or servant who will take direction without complaint and will work hard to accomplish it. Demanding that other people humble themselves and calling them “nothing” is abusive, deprives them of basic human dignity or worth. To ask someone else to humble themselves is to declare personal power over them, thus is a form of arrogance and self-elevation on the part of the person saying it.
Apple Eye — Today at 11:06 AM
- Strength is only born from Peace
- A day of life is only born from a night of sleep death
- Appreciation is only born from Humility
- Man is moved by Woman desire
- Woman is moved by Man desire
- Parity in all things, Ah (inhale) Ha (exhale)
- kind of an obligation, life that is
backstory to finding humility and timelessness
We worked our tails off for over 25 years to find peace and loss of judgment. Have been a couple for 37 years. We are deeply grateful to all that helped us to find humility.
the ‘meaning of life’ is more than blatant and casually observable in your anatomy, it’s immersion with nature, the word anatomy, the word meaning, the word mean, the complexity of arrangements matched to conciseness and preciseness and so on. To miss the ‘meaning of life’ is literally impossible. To prove the challenger wrong — that indeed, we could do the impossible, we have ‘literally’ proven it, mentally proven it and physically become it. The impossible (I M Possible)
Time is (a) dimension
When you think in ‘time’ but you are in a timeless environment, you may find it perplexing to witness the future and past whixx through your realm.
Total Number of Words: 1092
Total Reading Time: 5 minutes 28 seconds
Originally published at on April 3, 2023.