Is EVERYONE an ‘empath’?

Lane Gauge
5 min readAug 23, 2023


Everyone is an empath.

We all get intuitions and hunches and ideas. That is the same for anyone and any empath. This article aims to describe empath and find all the angles with some angels added for grey. IE., we intend to be literal and colorful. Angles are colorful, Angles are black and white.

Watch The Morph & Windy Show! on YouTube!

“Is EVERYONE an Empath? — The Morph & Windy Show!” on YouTube:

Is EVERYONE an Empath? — The Morph & Windy Show!

X, K, N and A competed to be the first letter in alpha beta, want to know how A (aleph) won the competition?

Wheat Milk Sugar is to pin you down.

“th”, it is developed for: thee, the think thoughts they thy thou them those then that this though through thickening thinning thud thaw thorn themes thirds their thespianz

A Conversation About Reason and Empath and Language

Marini — Today at 6:24 AM -Pero viene o no?

AE- the director duo of the Hughes bros, of “Dead Presidents”, helped make the film.Γ — Α α, Β β, Ƃ ƅ, Γ γ

“raisin” means wrapped up tight and a REASON Ray Sun is unwrapped and in full glory. it is up to you to call him out, from your Heart bank, the still point, the “S” Till or Reserve of You “no liez”

living removes all the dead weight, from your shoulders — makes life a breeze and as clear as the air
no fear when there are no liez ask me for secret code — ez — to no stress via the language
‘get’, any guy or girl or desire you want, via the language —
all free

des’ PISE is to pound, crush — despositionz for despot positionz

French and English Language Morphings

pisé from French, from French dialect (Lyon), from Middle French, from past participle of piser to stomp, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin pinsiare, pisiare, alteration of Latin pinsare, pisare to beat, pound, crush; pisé de terre from French, literally, earth pisé; akin to Latin pinsere to pound, crush

Qwerky Keyboard Symbols

How to type Gamma Symbol in Word on Keyboard (Γ or ɣ)

we gather together to gather together — ‘con’ the suffix, means to gather to go out — in Latin c- on sciousness

Ages 21–28 Brain Cycles — Grey Matter -s

21 to 28 is crucial time to retain “grey matter” in our brains
“47” joe 2denz” is a code to Humanity
losing respect is a code to knowing the word deconstruction of the word “respect”,
“X” is a target and an exit,

if breathing, you are in the running, all breathers are
Breathing matches the Heart pulses and Sun movements — all via the conveyance of the Air. 4357 words start with ‘th’ — the SIX is missing for a raysun.

Stage the “ST” Reign

“ST” Reign is a Strain of narcissism not seen until the 8th epoch. Made visible to all with every word, acronym, logo or sentence. 91-divoC brutally discloses Divorcing God. eG-5 is 5G in the mirror, Eris is the reason and ray Sun for mortal Life but being used to Sire dead citizens.

Mandate from Heaven is only to keep gangsters in Power. Manifest Deatiny, the same. CoG/Continuity of Govt, the SAME. It is literally, the “S” Aim of theirs to win the “G” Aim
all for themsleves and NONE 4U, pls wtf up.

anyone can win, u have the tools, on you, a Childs Ode, code, the language Heart and Logic are in a cage match, Logic has a voice, Heart has the bank — “H” Elle, is real culture is a word code, it means Cull Chore

The edu teaches us to lose our grey matter in our brains. This grey matter is empathy. The more we lose, the more we forget empathy… Peace and prosperity to all, we love every soul on Earth, every single beating Heart

nina and i won, we have lost all judgments from studying language, how crimes against humanity are done by exploiting it AND from studying our Self and each other as teammates, we won. We have telepathy from strengthening our empathy.
If you build up your empathy, telepathy is included.

Starting Self Possibilities

Start by telling Self, “this is possible for me” want the secret to telepathy?, it will allow you to see all others and Self, completely, naked and wholly revealed to you. All your stress will fade, synchronicities will maintain joy and peace in your experiences. You will have a deep understanding of Nature, Self and all others. i will wait and see if anyone wants telepathy.

mummies are for wrap upz Iroquois Confederacy was the most powerful Native American polities in north Ah Mer I Kha. Historical record dates to 1500s, indigenous people lived in north Ah Mer I Kha for at least 30,000 years per historical artifacts documented and dated.

Simple is SIM PILL, it means, the simpler your mind is, the more active and real the simulation is, simple! ez — you get both, real and reel The “subconscious” is a fictitious word with ZERO meaning or measurement. It is purposely misnamed ti hide what it is ‘referring’ covering for.

Simple is SIM PILL, it means, the simpler your mind is, the more active and real the simulation is, simple!
ez — you get both, real and reel

Thou Sand — How much?

SAND This is what thou sand pays for and why you must die fast — 4.1 billion tons of cement is produced every year, driven primarily by China, which constitutes 58% of today’s lust-fueled ‘sand’ boom. or construction alone, the world consumes roughly 40 to 50 billion tons of sand on an annual basis.
a lot of thou sands are needed to keep up puppy, poppie, poopie, cause=effect

cosmos is part of Earth air is magic, gangsters bin wrecking it here since 1905 and zillion times b4 that
magic air is where brother

We are in the age of “R” age?

we in the “R” Age of repeating things w diff shades each time
water world is pending, for those in the know
many rivers above and below, the air can restore all — if we use it and know how
our anatomy contains over 1 billion years of history, all unwrappable
‘mer’ means ocean or sea or water body in Latin and English

You are invited!

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Full Article: Originally published at on August 23, 2023.



Lane Gauge
Lane Gauge

Written by Lane Gauge

We are naked when we speak. Discovery of the evolution of language side by side with the rise and fall of civilizations.

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