How to “FIND” Intuition
How to “FIND” Intuition
death/Beliefs vs eternal/Intuition, the ‘timeline’
“Intuition” is very misunderstood — but there are millions of testimonies and witness that it is real and all powerful when tapped into and recognized. Whenever we are face to face and eye to eye with another — Intuition is drawn to the surface and becomes ‘known., relished and respected. Intuition is delivered to us from a place of “complete stillness”.
This place is undetectable, but through techniques that enable us to use Intuition effectively and ‘on demand’, we come to know it is real and a part of our format and foundation.
Observation of the actuality of our existence, proves, time does not exist. Did you know “BELIEFS” can REPLACE the knowledge, wisdom, and application of “INTUITION”? — The ptb has ancient tools of crafting and delivering their desired concepts — ideas — and beliefs directly to your memories and ‘survival instinct’. We have the proof this has been going on for millennia.
Beliefs are on a timeline for most as most believe in timelines. Since timelines become “reality” to us, we see a beginning, middle and end. The reason “WHY” is typically left unresolved with many “almost getting there” per historical accounts over millennia. The phrase “almost getting there” refers to finding an existence of eternalness and pure wisdom, beyond limit, time or antagonism.
But how have we developed our ‘beliefs‘ — which tie us individually and by groups into associating our beliefs to our very survival and ability to ‘remain’ in our groups and relationships.
The leaders of institutions, government, media and our own peer validations, ultimately, form and bond our beliefs and survival responses. Do the holders of this fantastic power of manipulations — exploit it? Would you, if you had said power? Can we ‘breakaway’ from these manipulations?
You Have Been FED False Beliefs
- Each of us has been presented life as duality. This is false. We are each in fact complete with ‘duality’. “WE” are similar to the letter “U“, your two poles of ‘duality‘ are actually part of your entire beinghood and all is reserved, kept, stored, remembered in the ‘cup’ of “U”.
- You are completed as a dual force being. Within our physical life, there is a ‘silent partner’, still, undetectable and All Knowing. Your power and your partner.
How Many Variations of Duality
- Our world is dualistic but in many more ways than we ascribe to include halving, doubling, stereo, trialities, quadralities and more — each uniquely blend-able and ‘seasonable’ to SUIT each one of us ‘INDIVIDUATED BEINGS‘.
- There is a baseline duality, often overlooked, that connects duality into one force or being. This ‘baseline’ duality is subtle but can be detected through use of Intuition and intentional focus. It is as follows:
Foundation of Duality
- One of the two worlds of duality is always moving, vibrating, spinning and detectable by scientific instruments. In the church of 1630’s — alchemy as a reference word was removed from science and replaced by chemistry.
- All things mysterious and mysticism related were relegated to be called alchemy from that time forward — per the church. This was to hide the ‘true nature’ of human beings. To ‘limit’ our powers against “gone wild” demagogues.
Our ‘True Nature’
- Our ‘true nature’ is in fact “TWO” or dueling. One side is measurable, definable and predictable. It is the ‘Elemental’ side.
- The other side is completely still and undetectable but is the ‘power source’ and intelligent preciseness and conciseness appearing throughout all times, things and experience.
- It is also present throughout our bodies and Minds and literally ‘records’ every moment of this life and any previous lives.
- This ‘other’ side is your Mental side. It is your Intuition, mentality, emotion, thinking, consciousness.
- It is your power source to be alive. It is your equal ‘partner’, this Power Source and Intelligence running through all things. Silent, still and all knowing.
Still Side — Spinning Side
- The vibrating side has plenty of natural but also the Mind of endless destinations without arrivals/resolutions.
- The still side is pure wisdom and the emanation point of all things. It is also inside your Heart as your power and partner in this life.
How to “FIND” Intuition — face 2 face, eye 2 eye
face to face leads to recognition of intuition and all it can do
“one may quiet oneself enough to find Intuition by recognizing ‘completeness’ in the harmonics of the all — equally measured by it’s partner and power, your partner and power — the complete unmoving or undetectable, stillness and silence of pure wisdom“
Make a Date with Intuition!
- Make a commitment with a mate/friend to spend TWO MINUTES, looking directly into each others face and eyes.
- Both of you being spurned on by the rage to find this magical thing called “Intuition“.
- Even though you have read and observed it. Even though you can recall intuition-al answers appearing to you at some time.
- You both want to learn how to ‘call on it’.
- To have faith it exists and is able to be found when you need it or want it.
- To learn how to tap this seemingly “all intelligent source of answers”.
- the ‘exercise’ above will lead both of you into a quieted and meditative state
- your combined effort dramatically enhances your success
- over each session it will become more and more apparent
- and you both will develop faith/confidence — in the ‘still’ part that is ‘alive’
- and that Intuition is ‘delivered‘ from that place of stillness
A Recent Convo
“its just a set of proportions
ask a mathematician like Fibonacci.” (this person is referring to ‘nature’s’ secrets)
from Word Skill:
proportions are EVERYTHING!
We get “X” number of concentrated focus each wake day. Whatever we focus on the most PROPORTIONATELY is ‘what we become’ and what appears in front of us and what synchronicities and coincidences occur, people we meet, accidents and so on. All based on believing in the secret of PROPORTIONATE focus and that Intuition will deliver whatever you are most PROPORTIONATELY focused on.