Conspiracy Theories are “fantasies”

Lane Gauge
5 min readMar 14, 2023


We all know that “conspiracy theories” are only news that are not yet news because the system does not want the truth to be known.

We all know that “conspiracy theories” are only news that are not yet news because the system does not want the truth to be known.
Unfortunately for the system, they all end up surfacing.
We know that this will be the case and we also know that the time lapse between “conspiracy theory” and “confirmed news” is getting shorter and shorter.

Still one tends to levitate with some emotion in those great moments when the regime’s press flagship has to swallow its pride and all the bile released so far against “the conspiracy theorists”.

Magic Alchemy Fantasy

(imagination is the production or simulation of novel objects, sensations, and ideas in the mind)

(imaging is the forming of mental images; expression by means of imagery)

(imagining is the act of forming images in the mind. That which is imagined.)

image (v.) “To þe ymage of god he made hym [Genesis i.27, Wycliffite Bible, early version, 1382”

late 14c., “to form a mental picture (of something), imagine,” from Old French imagier, from image.

imagination (n.) “faculty of the mind which forms and manipulates images”

It forms all or part of: emulate; emulation; emulous; image; imaginary; imagination; imaginative; imagine; imago; imitable; imitate; imitative; imitator; inimitable.

It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Latin imago “image,” aemulus “emulous,” imitari “to copy, portray, imitate;” Hittite himma- “imitation, substitute.”

Evolution of Fantasy

During and after the Reformation, “breakout” philosophies came to the public via approved “authors”. It came to be known that alchemy, magic, mysticism and fantasy were negative uses of one’s imagination and using imagination to believe in Church doctrines was “righteous use” of the imagination.

This led to a greater divide of people who desired to explore their own imaginations. Eventually all forms of fantasy and imagination came to bear under this pressure of lies about our imaginations. Today we are interconnected by wires, wifi and the Internet.


inter (v.)
“bury in the earth or a grave,” c. 1300, formerly also enter, from Old French enterer (11c.), from Medieval Latin interrare “put in the earth, bury,” from in- “in” (from PIE root *en “in”) + Latin terra “earth” (from PIE root *ters- “to dry”). Related: Interred; interring.
see jpg

net (n.)
Old English net “open textile fabric tied or woven with a mesh for catching fish, birds, or wild animals alive; network; spider web,” also figuratively, “moral or mental snare or trap,”

“remaining after deductions,” early 15c., from earlier sense of “trim, elegant, clean, neat” (c. 1300), from Old French net, nette “clean, pure, unadulterated,” from Latin nitere “to shine, look bright, glitter”

Today Fantasies Reject Souls and Soles
Souls are in Soles

Reflexology has been around for thousands of years, evidenced by a pictograph from 2330 BC found in the tomb of Egyptian physician Ankhamor, which shows treatments performed on the hands and feet. Some Greek historians believe that reflexology was in use at the ancient spa “Delphi,” whose records were lost in a great fire.

Ancient statues of Buddhas in India exhibit special markings on the feet, thought to be related to reflexology; but China has the earliest written documentation of the therapy. The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine, a classic medical text from 1000 BC, discusses the connection of life force with specific areas of the feet. Ancient China is said to have enjoyed a semi-divine culture, and perhaps this therapy was an early gift from the gods.

also see

Breakout Convo w FFace

from FF: ” true imagination possesses a power and depth that fantasy does not possess”

“Boehme — True imagination, on the other hand, is the embodiment of divine wisdom in the soul, and could lead to redemption and union with God.”

Reply: Jung and Boehme divorced imagination from fantasy as part of a grand exercise to cut and parse all things the mind may conceive. A simple confusion really, that imagination and fantasy are the same word for the same origin creation power existing in every soul and every sole.

We will find more soul in our soles than in Jung/Boehmes interpretation of imagination.

fantasy equals “Fan to See” as a phonetic acronym. Or Fan (the flames) to See.

from Latin phantasia, from Greek phantasia “power of imagination; appearance, image, perception,” from phantazesthai “picture to oneself,” from phantos “visible,” from phainesthai “appear,” in late Greek “to imagine, have visions,” related to phaos, phōs “light,” phainein “to show, to bring to light”

… “whimsical notion, illusion” is pre-1400, followed by that of “fantastic imagination,” which is first attested 1530s. Sense of “day-dream based on desires” is from 1926. An evolution of terms.

from FF: “the prime impulse toward all being and all knowing in their endlessly diverse forms.” What is it?

Reply: The prime impulse is born into us from our origin. It is “I need to be needed”, a direct impulse equal to the Creation of One Source of Equal Measure with boundless Creation potential.

The reason that is not “seen” by others is because of an evolution of parsing, leading to persons who are: “gods unto themselves”. (A fantasy, haha)

from FF: “Even in the case of negative fantasy, however, the ego is the star of the piece.”

Reply: Even Apollo invented a homosexual alter ego of negative consequence to stimulate his desire of imagination (Hyacinthus). We live with opposites inside our anatomy and thinking. We create new worlds via our imaginations. Parsing may give it other names and meanings.

Everyday when I wake
I say, today, what will I make?

The time of waking is a gift
From the end of a sleepy drift

Every morn I am reborn
My rest removes the torn and worn

My eyes are open
My path is No Pen

I want to run and be free
Roam the world and all to see

Today what will I do

If you thought today was your last day on earth what would you be doing today?
Who would you go and see? Who would you contact? Who would you hug? Who would you love? Where would you go?

Preparing your future with community and responsibility, hard work — Now/Own It

Being self sufficient

Helping with the rising food prices

Food shortages

Unreasonable control mechanisms

Animal care

Animal breeding

Preparing for the economy collapsing

Growing and producing your own foods

Natural ways of life





Natural Healing

Natural medicines

Family support

Why wait until your dying days to do these valuable things . The only thing we get in life is moments and time. Don’t waste it!!!



Lane Gauge
Lane Gauge

Written by Lane Gauge

We are naked when we speak. Discovery of the evolution of language side by side with the rise and fall of civilizations.

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