Christ Within — You are The Apple of My Eye
A Poem
happy Easter yay happy Easter welcome
back to the live show discussion all day
about Easter 2023 and how Easter exists
inside each woman and man equally and
all powers are granted to all men and
women when they claim them oh that’s
nice now open that egg up well that’s a
good day to do that on Easter yes Easter
you know Easter has the sound East are
so actually the East does our repeat
every single morning when we resurrect
from sleep yes and the day starts again
of Rise people so we get to see the East
R is actually a repeating event every 24
hours for each person it’s pretty
exciting isn’t it it is
so uh today we’re talking about
the essential figure in the number scale
so when we look at it it’s fives we have
nine numbers one through nine
and there’s four on one side four on the
other and five is the one in the middle
central figure right so it says I have
six because it says F I have F I have so
f is so yes six so five and six so the
central figure declares it owns Six and
six is the number of men
Dynamic we can find when we study the
central figure you can learn a lot when
you study the central figure but the
first two words that will help you the
are are books of reference encyclopedias
and the like literature documentation
that has the f
that is the reference within f as in
Frank face or factual
so the word reference sounds exactly
like the word reverence as in to Revere
something to hold something in high
esteem yeah that’s what it means to
Revere something so when we refer to
something it’s not necessary to hold it
in high esteem
you’re only referring to it
if you are not claiming reverence toward
so because these words are so similar in
sound and spelling we have to
acknowledge to ourselves that this can
be a slippery slope
where we could lose touch with the
reality of what’s to be revered
and what’s to be referred to the point
so this is an interesting Dynamic when
we look at how these
f for Frank
and fee for victory have this
Association or this relationship
so that’s one of the things we’re
looking at this Easter session of 2023.
so we find many Mysteries to be
unwrapped in these letters and these
numbers these symbols that associate
with sounds and meanings and then
developed and aggregate morph over time
and then each of the sound symbols words
sentences phrases they all carry
information from the past
and then we can unwrap things by looking
at the number value associations to the
so we have important clues in all these
areas to see crossovers in the language
matchups subtleties in language and how
we can exploit them
with the letter F the number six
the upside down nine
the ultimate number in the number scales
the highest number
so as far as things being highest and
lowest that is a form of creationism
that the man and woman are involved in
and we not only have Ascension and
dissension and Meandering but we also
have what’s beyond that and none of that
so this is all available to us so in
every formulation every calculation
every base determination for this
the F and the V numerically valued
face out to nine
whether added or multiplied yeah
so this amazing story can be unwrapped
just in two letters and that’s only a
scratch of the surface on what they
represent in total and all that they
mean in meanings as far as the
development of history and how we’ve all
developed as beings
so in the Easter story of Jesus formerly
known as iosis until a few hundred years
the story itself has been retold many
many times and even now going back in
history with the best researchers and
historians and archaeologists
we still have multiple stores
so even in the facts we have multiple
stories and then of course in the
stories we have multiple stories and
then the Jesus character comes up
periodically over thousands and
thousands of years not just the one
mentioned in the Bible
so the Messiah or figure named Jesus or
iosis seems to appear disappear reappear
almost in sequence
a mysterious sequence at that but
we see the great mystery teacher come
disappear and reappear right
so he’s constantly
so the pattern of our of our stories
if you recognize who may be
what of the teachings of Jesus do we
agree on
did iosis teach to seek agreements over
what did this teacher mean by seek the
Christ Within
what is the Christ within he mentioned
referring to
so in our fast-paced world today we’re
kind of overlooked the heart for so long
we’re looking for hearts so to speak
and uh the latest greatest trendiest
newest unexpected thing to come along is
the chat robot called AI chatgpt
so we tried to share what information we
learned it stands for generative
so it’s trained in advance
to generate transformation it’s
literally in the breakout of the Akron
so it is actively
pre-trained and prepared itself
to generate
of what and who well obviously it’s
being directed at women and men so
that’s who it’s targeted for
so that’s who’s transforming who it’s
the owners and operators of GPT
or actively transforming the populace
and telling them honestly in their name
so when you add it all up you have GPT
at 7 for G
15 for p that’s 22.
and T is 19 giving you 41.
so you can go either direction you’re
going to land on creation
if you minus it you get three everything
comes in threes if you plus it you get
the central figure number five and our
number scale we have four digits at the
front end one through four
four digits at the exit end
six through nine
and the center figure is five
so even GPT
adds to five or three
and when you add those two together you
get the sacred date
so GPT is transformative
as everything is
and whatever is explored by a man or
woman so there will be a benefit a
progression and a game
regardless of what we see in between now
and that but since our bodies and
anatomies progress every 24 hours into
something new
we see that we’re constantly evolving so
we can anticipate that we will
constantly evolve cool we could be
so the CPT is openly bragging that they
use what they’re calling NLP and they
say they’re naming that after their
system of service which they call
natural language processing
so they’re literally saying to us
they’re taking our natural language
and actively going towards assessing it
or turning it into mock
so this is completely reversing what
would be natural into something that you
could consider to be unnatural
or the opposite of natural
so the GPT bragging its name
and then telling us it uses a system of
design called NLP
which already had its own meaning before
they adopted it and then they say it’s
called natural language processing
so they’re actively saying they intend
to transform through pre-trained
generative processes in other words
what’s been seen and known before and
you can assume where I anticipate or
become aware that that means what your
human behavior and tendencies are
and what your understanding of language
and Association still is
so all this is done by the uh
Elon Musk created AI open source GPT and
LP service that everyone has adopted as
their pet
so what it’s actually going to do is
replace your natural powers
with the loyalty to metal
so you’ll be loyal to metal instead of
being loyal to Natural nature and
natural your natural self your natural
rights your natural powers
so this is the issue we run into
when we switch from the Christ within
that Jesus tried to teach us about in
the resurrection that we go through
every 24 hours teaches us
this is the lesson that we’re learning
every 24 hours
is to seek the Christ Within
so to instead go outward and look for
this Christ figure or Association in the
is simply going to end in nothing but
you know all the metal eventually gets
used and rusted and then it goes to the
dump for recycling so if our Amazing
Creation powers are used to focus on
then we ourselves will become metal-like
oh yeah we ourselves will become useless
and Rusty and twisted
and trash
and will have to be recycled either
buried for the land to eventually eat
or Burns until we’re melted
so we we may last a long time as metal
but eventually we’ll rust and fade away
so this is what the chat GPT NLP from AI
open source Elon Musk founded service is
offering to the populist today
as opposed to what Easter offers us
which is to seek the Eternal Treasures
of all
which are already existing as a gift
ready for you to receive and claim
inside your Beating Heart which
literally is the Christ within a
location not a name or title so let’s
all get on our low horses and get off
our high horses and ride over to
Paradise together
From our live stream:
Christ Within Easter ’23 GPT
Original blog: