April 2 “42 science” Nature & not sure 2023

Lane Gauge
6 min readApr 2, 2023



nature sounds out to ‘not sure’ to assist you. “Nature” is only seemingly distinct from our own anatomy. In fact, we are immersed in nature and nature into us, we are fully immersed and dependent on each other. All of nature is a precise and concise measured organization of trillions upon trillions of details.

This is repeated inside each complex animal up to the highest, Man and Woman. Man and Woman’s anatomy and beinghood contain all details and measures of the entire universe. Each Man or Woman is the entirety of Creation, the Universe and all histories.

42 science is saying “for U” or for tu or pour vous or “For You”. It also says 4×2 or “8” and 4+2 or “6”.


Pride is the “P”erfect Ride for a Man or Woman to learn humility. When we finally learn Humility we are granted part four of our contract — Appreciation. The four parts are in your 1st breath and everyone after — Ah Ha. Ha stands for Humility/Appreciation. Cannot have one w/o the other.

Pride is 1st in the 7 deadlies. But pride fulfills the same functions as Gratitude and compassion and humility. “Pride comes before a fall.” BUT it delivers humility w the fall and that is good.

no Law above Woman Man

There is no Law above Man or Woman, when you realize it and take it. No legal system can touch you as long as you make remedy when needed and declare yourself under the Law as a Man or Woman.

There is no Law above that, although at times you may have to remind a judge or policeman of your rights under Law, not the legal system which only dominates ‘token players’ who have submitted to titling themselves and things.

Everyone of us is 100% free, self determined and of the highest Law. It is our choice to remain childish, titled and a token player.

embracing uniqueness

Each of us is unique and serve each other well to embrace that.

The jargon we use is homemade yes, but attempting to speak directly to open minded seekers. It is being allowed to happen spontaneously — so mistakes will occur. We intend to match resonance in your seeking Heart and mind. Although obscure at times, it allows one to build neural activity while mixing it w their Heart energies.

This allows one to ‘see the connections’ and feel them. It takes a little work to start and becomes extra easy w each step. The payoff is immeasurable.

the ‘legal’ system

the ‘legal’ system is designed w the essence Creator to maintain ‘order’ as w/o it, we would all behave as tyrannical animals. Together, we all can explore the final pieces of ‘separations’ to fully integrate all we learned of ‘separations’ to all we own and have stored inside us about Unity. Both sides, the hierarchies and the populace are dealing with this ‘time of our progression’ in their own specific ways. This happens on an individual basis also, in couples and any group.

Together, all of us and our groups “are aggregating” unity and separations to fulfill our missions. Apple Eye — Today at 4:08 AM Does pride always precede a fall? Can it foster harder work and dedication? Yes, pride is another name for the ego and it is your life force while you play “god unto yourself”. This exercise is vital to completion.

Woman or Man

as a Man or Woman we have the ultimate name and no title can harm us unless we agree to be titled
citizen employee etc, Man or Woman is the highest Creation in this Universe and equal partner to the essence Creator

Our game system is humble, loving and compassionate. Children are coddled and guided to their next lifetime. Matures progress. All are well taken care of by god, the essence Creator


We accept titles but these titles make us tokens in the monopoly game managed by the hierarchies. It is a humble and loving system of managing us however horrible it may appear.

self determination

we are self determined in all things. This includes the ‘values’ we associate to things, our thoughts and relationships.

we determine values and each of us is 100% self determined with our partner, the essence Creator.

2 “U”s — two you’s of unity & separations

There are two yous in you besides L and R. There is also you the creator and the essence Crea

tor of all things. Your ego is the boss of you the creator. Your Heart is powered and managed by the essence Creator of all things inside all things.

Does pride always precede a fall? Can it foster harder work and dedication?

Each of us is unique and serve each other well to embrace that.

The jargon we use is homemade yes, but attempting to speak directly to open minded seekers. It is being allowed to happen spontaneously so mistakes will occur. We intend to match resonance in your seeking Heart and mind. Although obscure at times, it allows one to build neural activity while mixing it w their Heart energies.

This allows one to ‘see the connections’ and feel them. It takes a little work to start and becomes extra easy w each step. The payoff is immeasurable.


Friend: — There’s ego, then there’s egoism. It seems to me, that in order to rid the world of egoism, there must be a dissolution of ego to a particular degree in each individual, would you agree?

Apple Eye — Today at 3:31 AM
anything with ing, ism or ed is in the past. We must stay focused that we are always in the now — until we decide to mentally put things into the past and future. The ego is now and forever until you recognize your partnership in equilibrium. we keep the ego until the last moments of letting it go. Until then, it is our ‘life force’.


Pride is the “P”erfect Ride for a Man or Woman to learn humility. When we finally learn Humility we are granted part four of our contract — Appreciation. The four parts are in your 1st breath and everyone after — Ah Ha. Ha stands for Humility/Appreciation. Cannot have one w/o the other.

Pride is 1st in the 7 deadlies. But pride fulfills the same functions as Gratitude and compassion and humility. “Pride comes before a fall.” BUT it delivers humility w the fall and that is good.


I find it best to allow “all things” until ‘they find their place’, the duality in all things also leads to a creation process of many things so we have to stay on our toes to decipher the various varieties seen from the original duality.

All breaks out from 1 and 2, ultimately from 1 and 2 and then takes many forms and shapes, many times over, many ways, so context is vital for discussion to progress.


jargon is a specialized language but accurately naming things is equally available to all.
Are acronyms “accurate names” — yes! Can we make acronyms out of locations, place names, logos, initials, phrases? — yes! Is it bad to see acronyms and share w others? — no! Is it helpful to view all the different connectors? — yes!

This is all jargon below, shall we tell them all to stop?
argot, cant, dialect, jive, language, lingo, patois, patter, shop, shoptalk, slang, terminology, vocabulary, cheeping, chirping, chirruping, chittering, peeping, piping, pipering, tweeting, twittering

Total Number of Words: 1350

Total Reading Time: 6 minutes 46 seconds

Originally published at https://ae42.blog on April 2, 2023.



Lane Gauge
Lane Gauge

Written by Lane Gauge

We are naked when we speak. NLPology.com Discovery of the evolution of language side by side with the rise and fall of civilizations.

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