2Be or Knot 2Be
casual observation of your body and nature around you reveals a concise, precise all intelligence/power.
Convo on K Q came up
(Apple Eye — Nirvana Now Ninja — Wisdom Warrior)
O– I used absolutist language “always” when that’s not what I believe.
My apologies
What I meant was “we have always had this incompleteness” so certainty in the present is not likely.
It was referential to the past and present, obviously I can’t prophesize the future lol
AE — Each of us blends our senses, memories, feeling and intuition in a unique way unto ourselves. This makes ‘the world’ almost non-existent as each of is is carrying our own independently created world. A unique world to each person. A single idea or word can have millions of uniquely seasoned interpretation.
… all of us have a body that is alive for us because our Heart is operating and pulsing and our brain function is rendering a quite unique to us — world of consciousness and sensual decoding mixed with our unique seasoning and experiences. Creating for each person — “A unique world” unto themselves.
There is no “the world“, only many unique worlds we can share to each other.
Lh— Today at 7:25 PM
in this example, to me, “the world” would also include the subjective inner worlds of each person
Apple Eye
— Today at 7:28 PM
Heart gets impulses from…, 110,000 times a day. Brain function renders consciousness and senses decoding/reality simulated. Each human world is independent and we have plenty we ‘see’ in similar ways
and a playing field/mother called Mother Earth
Lh— Today at 7:29 PM
I dont see any reason to call it each human world
I just call it subjective perception/perception
Apple Eye
— Today at 7:30 PM
we are each 50/50 — half rendered by material and half powered invisibly by a intelligent and powerful ‘field’ appearing in all things.
Lh— Today at 7:30 PM
” half powered invisibly by a intelligent and powerful ‘field’ appearing in all things.”
can you clarify this?
Apple Eye
— Today at 7:30 PM
our unique side is matched by the similarity side in each person
Apple Eye
— Today at 7:31 PM
science declares the smallest parts of atoms are moving from ‘impulses’.
Lh — Today at 7:31 PM
Apple Eye
— Today at 7:33 PM
“K” shows the equal measure in all things.
It is meaning cut/kill since language started — Ka.
And it is a straight line projecting right or righteously.