1234 FIVE 6789 the story of I Am
Answers the Barbie theme song
This article will prove that all history, language and anatomy are all I Am made.
Internally, 1234 is the Feminine/Act/Ion side, externally, 6789 is the Masculine/Outcome side, FIVE is your Unique Will and life force. Each Woman or Man is formatted internally, the same way in black and white terms. Externally, we each season, color and shade ourselves uniquely within our experiences and views of the outer world.
‘Externally’, we value the input from external stimuli into our senses or sensual receptors. We see three things externally, Feminine forces of Nature, Masculine forces of Nature and a central Mystery pivot point of Parity.
external internal eternal
The ‘external’ view or format of all things is the same internally, inside the workings and mystery of our anatomy. We ‘see’ the world generally, as myself and all others or One/Many. The anatomy, as a word also voices ana/One and to.my/many. Your anatomy is one body of many independent entities.
1 Eternal
5 Internal
2 Eternal
4 External
3 Eternal
total is 15, the modern position for P
meaning Pi or π
Another name for you is ‘al’ or numerically that is A/1 + L/11 or “111”. All words that end in ‘al’, speak to your ‘existence’. (phonetically, existence is “Axis Stance”)
Finding Lost Keys
How do we find our lost keys? We retrace our steps, where we have been before.
How do we find our Ki of resonance to our purpose? We listen.
How do we listen? We List “N”.
All of our content
has come from what has preceded. The following document aims to relieve you of all stressors by proving this point. “con” means ‘coming together to gather’ — “tent” recognizes the safe place to be saving, aggregating all events within the format of “parity”. “Coming together, to gather and save in a safe place”.
In linguistics, it’s called Morphology.
Latin/literal/BW vs English/theoretical/colors
Latin speakers focus their perspective on what was known to have happened before making it literal and historical based. English is more colorful and based on theoretical or what may come in the future, or futuristic in nature. (Aka artistic, ideological, fantastical.)
Latin is historical, based on what has been seen before, no ideologies. English is theoretical. It seeks what has not been seen before, causing it to include ideologies and theories. Latin is from Angels, English desires the angles, every possible ‘angle’.
(history of N) — Ens Ants Ence Ance Entia Antia Esse
“ance” and “ence” are used extensively in English and are born from Latin antia and entia which are the Feminine and Masculine plurals of Ens. In English, ance and ence generally mean “more of”.
Remembering that Latin is literal, historical and based on precedence, their meaning of ‘antia’ and ‘entia’ were “existence and metaphysical/supernatural”. A real thing, an entity, as opposed to “an attribution”. Not a guess or a color, it was literal and historical.
Antia is the feminine and Entia is the Masculine. Together they are “AE” which is short for Apple Eye and All in Everything.
Ens — the story of N E W S
‘ens’ is the singular of Antia/Entia and it means metaphysical, supernatural, magical, immersed with All.
Note that Latin term Ens carries all but one of the 4 cardinal directions. The “4” itself, claims F-Our and For-M. ENS is an acronym for Est North/South. It is written they had permanent light and there was no darkness in their times. No Sun rising and falling. No epic 24 hour ‘clocks’, (clock spells C Lock).
In our times we have and added a fourth direction, West. West is a combination of “W” (double-you)and est or East. The “double-you est” — speaks to our daily 24 hour epics of rebirth and sun rising and our focus on life versus death and vice versa. In our times, we are aggregating unified eternal life and balance, with the experience of “seeking it”.
The original word origin of Ens is ‘esse’, showing the progression of the latin speakers. With Ens we have the phonetics of “NS”. With ‘esse’ we have the phonetics of “S”. In modern times we use N E W S, so the phonetics of “news” is snooze or noose. These sounds are common across modern English.
Life and Form from Gamma
“Life” makes the word Five with the Gamma symbol ‘Γ’. When you add a dash to ‘Γ’ it makes an “F”. Then interchange the “f” for a “v” and you see FIVE. For reference see the following example of f and v trading places:
One Hand carries All Answers
Self — anatomy -LIFE- Nirvana — Zen
Above shows FIVE parts, the planning fingers on your Hand, FIVE. This is 1/2 of the answers on one hand. After planning with the FIVE fingers — (notice) not/ice that FIVE is also making a phrase saying —
“F” I’ve or “F” I Have. 5 is saying “Six I have”. “F” is the 6th letter.
“F” is “T” makes the word FIST and is the Sixth answer on your hand, the second half of completion, the final solution to “all answers are on one hand”. It means to close the hand into a fist to fight or work/act. After a plan is made we “take actions”.
Planning only
Planning only is “the way” to stay and do it again and again and never see “a gain”. Everything is spelled out in the language, sounds and anatomy, and your living mortal body.
“F” is 6. -Five owns Six. You and i and each Woman or Man is a “Six/Sex” — and we each use our Speech to grow, learn, morph, progress, create. -
“SPEECH” is SP + Each.
Core Rage (courage) cannot be purchased, it can be discovered from discovery only. Courage is known, when it is shown, “all answers are on one hand”.
“F is T” (fist) is a hand and gives the answer to all questions and the solutions to any quandary.
“F” is “6 and Six and Sex”
F and 6 are Woman or Man
Γ is Gamma, add a — for “F”
a d’ash for clarity“T” is Parity (equilibrium in continuum)
“IS” is is — “I” + “S” and the sound of “izz”
“FIST” — all answers are on one hand.
Once you uncover all the probabilities, all that will be left is the improbable
as you always knew. It spells improbable or I M Probable.
If i want to be ‘improven’ i say it as a phrase — I M Proven
If i want possibility, I will sing “ I M Possibility “
Total Number of Words: 2030
Total Reading Time: 10 minutes 10 seconds
Originally published at https://1234five6789.com on September 3, 2023.